Figure 6-1
Citywide Greenways Network Map
This map is a generalized representation of Framework Element policy recommendations for public open space to serve as a basis for updating the City's Open Space and Conservation Element.
As a generalized map, the boundaries are not precise; they are intended to illustrate an integrated citywide/regional greenways system to serve the open space needs of the City's population. Some other jurisdictions have been included for purposes of illustrating continuity; any inclusion of private space is unintentional and no restriction on the use of such properties is implied. Specific boundaries and open space land use classifications should be determined in the community plans.
The linear open space system represented by the Citywide Greenways Network (1) provides additional open space for active and passive recreational uses, and (2) connects adjoining neighborhoods to one another and to regional open space resources. This greenways network is differentiated by function and is composed of three levels: local/neighborhood, community, and regional.
The local/neighborhood components include pedestrian-supporting streets, open space associated with public facilities such as schools, small local parks, and community gardens.
The community component is composed of district parks and civic open spaces connected to the network, including elements such as community and neighborhood parks, connected by linear, non-motorized transportation linkages such as the LA/DOT bike paths, walking and hiking trails, and local bike paths.
The regional component of the network is composed of the beaches, the mountains, and the Los Angeles River system - the three most continuous natural features of the urban region and thus the primary elements of the network; river tributaries, arroyos and washes that take storm water to the ocean; rail lines and utility corridors that may, where feasible, without compromising public safety or facility security, serve as either active or passive multi-use greenway corridors to become connectors to the beaches and the river and to link adjacent districts to each other through the network; and all regional parks made accessible from the network and directly connected to local collectors.
Prepared by the General Plan Framework Section, City of Los Angeles Planning Department, Citywide Graphics, April 1996