
Draft Environmental Impact Report

Museum Square Office Building

LEAD AGENCY: The City of Los Angeles
CASE No: ENV-2013-194-EIR
SCH No: 2013096882

Project Address: 5757 W. Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Project Description

The Proposed Project involves a lot split to separate an approximately 25,852 sf parcel at the northwestern corner of the Museum Square site which contains a portion of the surface parking lot from the remainder of the Museum Square site (which contains the 11-story commercial development, access lanes and parking structure).  Following the lot split, the existing surface parking lot would be demolished, allowing for the construction of a new 13-story, approximately 249,500 square-foot commercial office building and the addition of two new levels of parking (approximately 162,768 square feet) to the existing five-level parking structure.  The 13-story building will be 207 feet high and following the addition, the parking structure will be approximately 72 feet high.  The Proposed Project would provide a total of 2,040 parking spaces; an addition of 550 net new spaces.  The current zoning across a portion of the Proposed Project Site is not consistent with the proposed use.  In order to allow for the Proposed Project, the Project Applicant, along with the request for the granting of a lot split, will seek a zone change to convert the approximately 118,596 sf portion of the parcel which contains a portion of the surface parking lot and the parking structure, from QPB-2 zoning to (Q)C4-2 zoning, a Conditional Use Permit to allow floor area ratio averaging for a unified commercial development in a C zone, and a Variance to permit one parking space per one hundred five square feet in lieu of the required one parking space per thirty five square feet required for auditorium space.



Hardcopies of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) are available for review at the following locations:

Department of City Planning
200 North Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Los Angeles Public Library
Fairfax Branch Library
161 S. Gardner Street
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Eloisa Sarao
Business Office
Los Angeles Public Library
630 W. 5th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071

France Howard Goldwyn -
Hollywood Regional Library
1623 N. Ivar Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028


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EcoTierra Consulting
523 W. 6th Street, Suite 301
Los Angeles, California 90014
Phone: (213) 235-4770