Notice of Completion and Availability of Final Environmental Impact Report
The City of Los Angeles has made available the NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AVAILABILITY OF FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (FINAL EIR) for review by clicking HERE .
To view an electronic version of the Final EIR, please select from the following pull-down menus:
Final EIR Main Document Sections
(Select Document to Display)
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Corrections and Additions to the Draft EIR
III. Responses to Comments
IV. Mitigation and Monitoring Program
Final EIR Technical Appendices
(Select Document to Display)
Table of Contents
Appendix 1: Draft EIR Comment Letters
Appendix 2: Evaluation of Modifications to Specific Plan
Appendix 3: Evaluation of Signs in Historic Assessment
Appendix 4: Lisa Ben and Vice Versa Additional Documentation
Revised Draft EIR Appendix R: Los Angeles Department of Transportation Assessment Letter
New Draft EIR Appendix X: Arborist's Tree Report
New Draft EIR Appendix Y: Evaluation of AB 32 Scoping Plan BAU Threshold
To view an electronic version of the Draft EIR, please select from the following pull-down menus:
Draft EIR Main Document Sections
(Select Document to Display)
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Project Description
III. Environmental Setting
IV.A.1 Aesthetics/Visual Quality and Views
IV.A.2 Light and Glare
IV.A.3 Shading
IV.B.1 Air Quality
IV.B.2 Air Quality—Greenhouse Gas Emissions
IV.C Cultural Resources
IV.D Geology and Soils
IV.E Hazards and Hazardous Materials
IV.F.1 Hydrology and Surface Water Quality
IV.F.2 Groundwater
IV.G Land Use
IV.H Noise
IV.I.1 Employment
IV.I.2 Housing
IV.I.3 Population
IV.J.1 Public Services—Police Protection
IV.J.2 Public Services—Fire Protection
IV.J.3 Public Services—Schools
IV.J.4 Public Services—Parks and Recreation
IV.J.5 Public Services—Libraries
IV.K Traffic, Access and Parking
IV.L.1 Utilities and Service Systems—Water Supply
IV.L.2 Utilities and Service Systems—Wastewater
IV.L.3 Utilities and Service Systems—Solid Waste
IV.L.4 Utilities and Service Systems—Energy
V. Alternatives
VI. Land Use Exchange Analysis
VII. Other CEQA Considerations
VIII. References
IX. List of Preparers
X. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Draft EIR Technical Appendices
(Select Document to Display)
Table of Contents
Appendix A: Initial Study/Notice of Preparation (NOP)/NOP Comment Letters
Appendix B: Paramount Pictures Specific Plan
Appendix C: Lighting Analysis (Kaplan Gehring McCarroll Architectural Lighting)
Appendix D: Lighting Analysis (Lighting Design Alliance)
Appendix E: Air Quality Data
Appendix F: Historic Assessment Report
Appendix G: Archaeological and Paleontological Resources Records Searches
Appendix H: Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation
Appendix I: Preliminary Site Assessment
Appendix J: Hazards Report
Appendix K: Drainage Report
Appendix L: Surface Water Quality Report
Appendix M: Groundwater Report
Appendix N: Noise Calculation Worksheets
Appendix O: Employment, Housing and Population Report
Appendix P: Correspondence from Public Service and Utility Providers
Appendix Q: Traffic Study
Appendix R: Los Angeles Department of Transportation Assessment Letter
Appendix S: Water Supply Assessment
Appendix T: Water System Report
Appendix U: Wastewater Report
Appendix V: Energy Report
Appendix W: Energy Worksheets
Document Review
If you wish to review a hard copy of the Final EIR, you may do so by appointment during our office hours of 8
A.M. to 4
P.M. at 6262 Van Nuys Blvd., Rm. 351, Van Nuys, CA 91401-2763. Contact the Major Projects Section at (818) 374-5067 to make an appointment.