Spring Street Hotel Project

Draft Environmental Impact Report

CASE No. ENV-2015-2356-EIR
SCH No. 2015101003


Project Address: 631, 633, and 635 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014

Council District: 14-Jose Huizar

Project Location:

The Project is located at 631, 633, and 635 S. Spring Street in Los Angeles, 90014 (the “Project Site”).  The lot area of the Project Site is approximately 9,307 square feet (0.2 acre), and is located approximately mid-block between 6th Street and 7th Street, in the Downtown area of the City of Los Angeles (the “City”).  The Project Site is associated with Assessor Parcel Number 5144002012.

Project Description:

The Project would involve the demolition of the existing surface parking lot and commercial building and construction of a high-rise hotel building with approximately 105,841 square feet of floor area, which includes: 170 hotel rooms, a 7,050 square foot restaurant; a 3,780 square foot roof bar/lounge; a 1,000 square foot gym; 1,000 square feet of ancillary office space; a 2,940 square foot gallery bar; and a 1,200 square foot conference/screening room.  A total of 12,460 square feet of open space would include 6,300 square feet of balconies for the hotel rooms; a 1,510 square foot roof bar; and a 2,770 square foot pool deck.  The Project would be up to approximately 26 stories (plus three subterranean parking levels), reaching a maximum height of approximately 338 feet.  Approximately 63 vehicle parking spaces would be provided on-site utilizing a car elevator in Lower Levels 2 and 3 of the subterranean levels. In order to permit development of the Project, the Project would require approval of the following discretionary actions:  (1) Pursuant to LAMC Section 14.5.7, a Transfer of Floor Area Rights for a maximum of 49,999 square feet of floor area; (2) Pursuant to LAMC Section 12.27, a Variance to permit alternative locations for required bicycle parking; and (3) Pursuant to LAMC Section 12.24-W,1, a Master Conditional Use Permit for onsite sale and consumption of a full line of alcoholic beverages at specified locations within the hotel; and (4) Pursuant to LAMC Section 16.05-C,1(b), a Site Plan Review for the construction of a maximum of 170 hotel guest rooms.


Document Review and Comment: If you wish to review a print copy of the Draft EIR or the documents referenced in the Draft EIR, you may do so during office hours (between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.) at the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, 200 North Spring Street, City Hall, Room 750, Los Angeles, CA 90012. The Draft EIR is available online at the Department of City Planning’s website at http://planning.lacity.org (click on “Environmental Review” then “Draft EIR”); and electronic copies are also available at the following libraries:

Los Angeles Central Library
630 West 5th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071

Little Tokyo Branch Library
203 S. Los Angeles Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Arroyo Seco Regional Library
6145 N. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90042

The Draft EIR can also be purchased on CD-ROM for $7.50 per copy. Contact Alejandro Huerta at alejandro.huerta@lacity.org or 213-978-1454 to purchase copies.

Comment Review Period: If you wish to submit comments regarding the Draft EIR, please reference the file number above and submit in writing no later than 4:00 p.m. on (Tuesday, February 21, 2017).

Please direct your comments to:

Via Mail:         Alejandro A. Huerta
                         Environmental Review Section
                         Department of City Planning
                         200 North Spring Street, Room 750
                         Los Angeles, CA 90012
Via Email:       alejandro.huerta@lacity.org


Draft EIR Sections


EcoTierra Consulting, Inc.
555 W 5th Street, 31st Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: (213) 235-4770