Project Address: 1718 N. Vine Street, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Community Plan Area: Hollywood
Council District: 13—O’Farrell
Project Description: The Project includes
development of a hotel on an approximately 0.28-acre site located at 1718 N. Vine Street (Project Site) in the Hollywood community
of the City. The Project would include 240 guest rooms, approximately 2,742 square feet of guest amenities, and approximately
5,373 square feet of shared guest and public spaces. The building would have a maximum height of 185 feet and would consist of
13 above-ground levels (including a mechanical mezzanine level above Level 1) and five subterranean levels. The Project would
provide 79 vehicular parking spaces and 72 bicycle parking spaces within five subterranean levels of parking in accordance with LAMC
requirements. All vehicular parking would be valet only. Upon completion, the Project would result in approximately
73,440 square feet of new floor area and a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 6:1.
Based on the analysis included in the Draft EIR, the Project would result in significant and unavoidable
impacts related to: on-site noise and vibration (human annoyance) and off-site vibration (human annoyance) during construction. In
addition, the Project would result in significant and unavoidable cumulative on-site noise, off-site noise, on-site vibration (human
annoyance), and off-site vibration (human annoyance) during construction. All other potential impacts would be less than significant
or mitigated to less-than-significant levels.
The Draft EIR and the documents referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public review at the City of
Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, 221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90012, during office hours Monday–Friday, 9:00 A.M.–4:00
P.M. Please contact the Staff Planner listed below to schedule an appointment.
The Draft EIR is also available online at the Department of City Planning’s website at (click on the “Environmental Review” tab on the left-hand side, then “Draft EIR,” and click on the
Project title), and copies are also available at the following Library Branches:
- Los Angeles Central Library, 630 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071
- Francis Howard Goldwyn Hollywood Regional Library, 1623 N. Ivar Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90028
- Will & Ariel Durant Branch Library, 7140 W. Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90046
- John C. Fremont Branch Library, 6121 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90038
The Draft EIR can also be purchased on CD-ROM for $5.00 per copy. Contact Erin
Strelich at (213) 847-3626 to purchase copies.
If you wish to submit comments following review of the Draft EIR, please reference the Environmental Case
No. above, and submit them in writing by Tuesday, July 30, 2019, no later than 4:00 P.M.
Please direct your comments to:
Erin Strelich
City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1350
Los Angeles, CA 90012