3, 2022
Notice is hereby given to the general
public of the availability for public review and comment on the following
Environmental documents. This publication is intended to serve as our Notice of
Intent to adopt the following Negative Declaration (ND). Documents are also
available online at the Dept. of City Planning’s website
CD indicates the Council District, sf indicates square
ENV-2020-1620-A. ENV-2020-1620-B.
6360-6366 Hollywood Boulevard and 1646 Cosmo Street; Hollywood, CD13. Project
Description: The Project Site is currently developed with a vacant
32,980-square-foot building, which most recently was occupied with commercial
office uses. The building is four stories with a two-story elevator tower on
the roof and a partially exposed basement and reaches a maximum height of 82
feet and 1 inch from the lowest point on grade. In its current form, the
building is nonconforming in terms of height and floor area ratio (FAR). The
Project includes adaptive reuse and rehabilitation of the building, in
accordance with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and
Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings (Standards), and conversion of
the building into a 57-room hotel with 8,885 square feet of restaurant and
lounge uses. As part of the proposed work needed for adaptive reuse of the
building, the existing elevator towers and utility sheds would be retained. The
Project would incorporate an activate rooftop with a restaurant, pool, bar, and
sunning area (Activated Rooftop) and the addition of approximately 835 square
feet of new floor area on the rooftop level to house a restroom, bar, and prep
kitchen (collectively the “Rooftop Improvement”) for the Activated Rooftop. The
maximum height of the small new additions would be approximately 10 feet
shorter than that of the taller existing elevator tower and utility shed (those
located closest to Hollywood Boulevard). The material of construction
associated with the Rooftop Improvement would be differentiated from and
compatible with the existing building. The new construction would be
concentrated at the southeast corner of the building rooftop adjacent to the
second, shorter existing elevator tower and the utility shed (those located
closest to the alley), and would not be visible from
the Hollywood Boulevard. The swimming pool would be approximately four to five
feet deep, would be built over the roof, and would not be visible over the
parapet. The new additions would not alter the existing historic material,
features, and spatial relationships that characterize the Historic District.
Under the Project, the existing exterior of the building would be retained and
rehabilitated in conformance with the Standards. The highly visible Hollywood
Boulevard and Cosmo Street elevations of the building would be retained and
preserved, thus retaining the existing character-defining appearance of the
building in relation to the Historic District. To allow for implementation of
the Project, the following discretionary approvals are required: 1) Vesting
Zone and Height District Change, pursuant to LAMC Section 12.32 F and Q, from
C4-2D-SN to C2-2D-SN to remove the D Limitation and impose a new D Limitation,
allowing a maximum FAR of 4.5:1 and a height of approximately 82 feet and 1
inch; 2) Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Section 12.24.W.1, to permit the
on-site sale and consumption of a full line of alcoholic beverages in the
basement bar/lounge, the ground-floor restaurant bar/lounge, the mezzanine
lounge, and the Activated Rooftop; 3) A Waiver of Dedications or Improvements,
pursuant to LAMC Section 12.37.I, to waive the Project Site’s dedication
requirements along Cosmo Street and at the corner of Cosmo Street and Hollywood
Boulevard; 4) A Variance pursuant to LAMC Section 12.27 to eliminate two
vehicle parking spaces otherwise required by LAMC Section 12.21.A.4(x)(3)2; and
5) A Variance pursuant to LAMC Section 12.27 to eliminate two long-term bicycle
parking spaces and two short-term bicycle parking spaces otherwise required by
LAMC Section 12.21.A.16(a)(2).
Please call (213)978-1319 to review
file. You can email your comments to: REVIEW/COMMENT
period begins 2/3/22 & ends on 2/23/22
5715, 5800, 5806, 5808, 5810, 5810 1⁄2, 5812, and 5814 N. Monterey Rd;
5321 E. Via Marisol; 456 and 460 E. Wheeling Way; Northeast Los Angeles. CD14.
Project Description: The City of Los Angeles is proposing: 1) a General Plan
Amendment to amend the Northeast Los Angeles Community Plan to re-designate the
subject properties from Low Medium II Residential to Neighborhood Commercial
General Plan Land Use, and 2) a Zone Change from RD1.5-1 to [Q]C4-1VL. The
proposed action is in response to Council Motion CF 20-1426, which requests
that the General Plan Land Use and Zoning of these properties be corrected to
better reflect existing built conditions and to facilitate reuse of the
existing commercial buildings in the Hermon neighborhood. The proposed General
Plan Amendment and Zone Change does not involve the demolition, remodel,
construction, or alteration of any structures, public facilities, or land.
Please call (213)978-1345 to review
file. You can email your comments to: REVIEW/COMMENT
period begins 2/3/22 & ends on 2/23/22