Notice is hereby given to the general public of the availability for public review and comment on the following Environmental documents. This publication is intended to serve as our Notice of Intent to adopt the following Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Documents are also available online at the Dept. of City Planning’s website CD indicates the Council District, sf indicates square feet

MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION: ENV-2018-3287. ENV-2018-3287-A. ENV-2018-3287-B. ENV-2018-3287-C. ENV-2018-3287-C1. ENV-2018-3287-D. ENV-2018-3287-D1.  ENV-2018-3287-E. ENV-2018-3287-E1. ENV-2018-3287-F. ENV-2018-3287-F1. ENV-2018-3287-G. ENV-2018-3287-H. ENV-2018-3287-I. 17017-17031 W Ventura Blvd, 4929 N Genesta Ave, 5018 N Amestoy Ave; Encino-Tarzana. CD5. The 1.75-acre Project Site comprises 2 sites located at 17017-17031 Ventura Blvd, 4929 N Genesta Ave, & 5018 N Amestoy Ave. Assessor’s Parcel Number (APNs) for Project Site are 2258-013-020 through -022, 2258-014-001, & 2258-015-014 through -016. Site 1 comprises several adjoining parcels with a lot area of 22,251 sf & currently developed with 3 commercial buildings (totaling approx. 25,000 sf) & surface parking. Site 1 is bound by Ventura Blvd to south; commercial building to east & west; & an alleyway to north. Site 2 comprises 3 adjoining parcels with a lot area of 35,663 sf & is currently developed with a surface parking lot. Site 2 is bound by an alleyway to south; Amestoy Ave to the west; a surface parking lot & multi-family residential building to the north; & Genesta Ave & a commercial building with surface parking to the east. Project includes demolition & removal of all existing uses from Project site & redevelopment of site with 2 distinct buildings. Site 1 would be developed with a 3-story (48 feet & 6 inches in height), 55,416-sf medical office building. Site 2 would be developed with a 5-story (59 feet and 6 inches in height), 80,225-square-foot eldercare living facility, comprising 66 senior assisted living guest rooms and 24 Alzheimer’s/dementia guest rooms and a total of 364 parking spaces provided in a combination of surface parking area and 3 subterranean parking levels. Please call (818)374-9904 to review file. You can email your comments to: REVIEW/COMMENT period begins 9/30/21 & ends on 10/20/21