Cover and Table of Contents [320 KB, PDF]
Executive Summary [459 KB, PDF]
I. Introduction [131 KB, PDF]
II. Project Description [13.8 MB, PDF]
III. Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigation Measures [129 KB, PDF]
III.A Aesthetics [11.9 MB, PDF]
III.B Air Quality [386 KB, PDF]
III.C Biological Resources [2.6 MB, PDF]
III.D Geology and Soils [732 KB, PDF]
III.E Greenhouse Gas Emissions [289 KB, PDF]
III.F Hazards and Hazardous Materials [356 KB, PDF]
III.G Hydrology and Water Quality [3.7 MB, PDF]
III.H Land Use [4.5 MB, PDF]
III.I Noise [6.5 MB, PDF]
III.J Public Services [1.2 MB, PDF]
III.K Transportation and Circulation [1.6 MB, PDF]
III.L Utilities & Service Systems [365 KB, PDF]
IV Other Environmental Considerations [150 KB, PDF]
V. Alternatives to the Proposed Project [4.1 MB, PDF]
VI. Lead Agency and Consultants: Organizations and Persons Consulted [89 KB, PDF]
A. NOP and Responses to NOP [4.1 MB, PDF]
B. Tree Evaluation and Preservation Study [9.7 MB, PDF]
C. Air Quality, GHG and Noise Technical Study [1.6 MB, PDF]
D. Archaeological/Historical and Paleontological Records Search [464 KB, PDF]
E1. Geotechnical Investigation [3.4 MB, PDF]
E2. Regional Seismic Investigation [476 KB, PDF]
F. Phase II ESA Report [3 MB, PDF]
G1. Preliminary Hydrology Report [12.7 MB, PDF]
G2 Preliminary Storm Water Quality Mitigation Report [8.4 MB, PDF]
H1. Traffic Report [10 MB, PDF]
H2. TDM Plan [91 KB, PDF]
H3. VMT Analysis [314 KB, PDF]
H4. LADOT Review [171 KB, PDF]
I. Sewer and Water Infrastructructure [470 KB, PDF]
J. Water Supply Assessment [4.2 MB, PDF]
K. Greenhouse Gas Study [277 KB, PDF]