Decision Makers

The Los Angeles Charter, which defines the organization and functions of the City, provides specific powers and authorities to certain decision makers. The City’s Zoning Code further outlines the broad authorities of each decision maker (whether established by State law, Charter, or Ordinance) who reviews  planning approval. There are currently two Zoning Codes in effect within the City of Los Angeles:

  • Chapter 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), referred to as the Original Zoning Code, went into effect on June 1, 1946 and applies to any Community Plan Area that was updated prior to the Downtown Community Plan. The effective version of this Zoning Code can be accessed here.

    Chapter 1A of the LAMC, referred to as the New Zoning Code, went into effect in early 2025 and applies to the Downtown Community Plan Area and all subsequent Community Plan Area updates. The effective version of this Zoning Code can be accessed here. For a more interactive and customized experience it can also be accessed via our Interactive Web-Based Zoning Code.

Please visit our Zoning Information and Map Access System (ZIMAS) to determine which Zoning Code applies to your property of interest.

Director of Planning

As Los Angeles City Planning's chief administrative officer, the Director of Planning is responsible for preparing the City's General Plan and overseeing zoning and land use regulations. Additionally, the Director reviews specific project applications that require City Planning to confirm their compliance with zoning standards.

Office of Zoning Administration

Zoning Administrators are like judges: they investigate, conduct hearings, and issue determinations on a number of land use considerations. They perform quasi-judicial functions pertaining to the administration, interpretation, and enforcement of the Zoning Code.


In the City of Los Angeles, there are nine citizen-led commissions that meet regularly to give advice and make recommendations on planning-related matters: the City Planning Commission, the Cultural Heritage Commission, and seven Area Planning Commissions.

City Planning Commission

The City Planning Commission reviews land use ordinances, amendments to the General Plan, and some complex development projects.

Cultural Heritage Commission

The Cultural Heritage Commission offers guidance on issues related to historic preservation, overseeing both the designation and protection of local landmarks.

Area Planning Commission

Additionally, there are seven Area Planning Commissions that largely serve as appeals boards for project determinations issued by City Planning or the Zoning Administrator. Area Planning Commissions represent the North Valley, South Valley, West Los Angeles, Central, East Los Angeles, South Los Angeles, and Harbor regions.

Deputy Advisory Agencies

Deputy Advisory Agencies act on a subset of cases involving the subdivision of land for ownership—typically, but not exclusively, for condominiums. These hearings are chaired by a representative of City Planning in coordination with other city departments.

Get to Know the Commissioners