Los Angeles City Planning is in the process of updating the City’s 34 Community Plans, which guide policy and land use in Los Angeles’s neighborhoods. The City updates the Community Plans periodically to reflect changes in the areas they govern, ensuring the plans remain effective tools for guiding growth and development.
Together, the 34 Community Plans make up the Land Use Element of the City of Los Angeles’s General Plan, the policy document that expresses the City’s vision of the future.
You can request additional information by submitting a public records request. Directions on how to request for City Planning records as well as other data can be found here. The Office of the City Clerk is the repository for all adopted and proposed regulations. For a full list, use the search function at LACityClerk Connect.
Updates to the Community Plans for the Community Plan Areas displayed on the interactive map below are currently in progress. Click on a Community Plan Area for more information.