Wireless Telecommunications

The Wireless Telecommunications Unit is a one-stop shop and full-service center for industry experts seeking to place a wireless facility on public or private property. The unit reviews project applications to ensure they are in full compliance with the City's zoning and federally mandated regulations. For answers to general inquiries, email planning.wireless@lacity.org.

Administrative Case Filings

Visit the Department's Online Application System (OAS) to apply for pre-application review, Section 6409 (a) Administrative Plan Approvals, and Wireless Planning Clearances.

Discretionary Case Filings

City Planning also offers electronic filing for discretionary applications for Plan Approvals and Conditional Uses for wireless telecommunications facilities.

Filing Instructions

These filing instructions assist applicants for wireless facilities seeking administrative and discretionary planning approvals. 


Effectuation of the wireless discretionary grants is performed by City Planning and needs to be completed within three years of the effective date listed on the determination letter. The conditions of approval in the grant must be satisfied before the privileges of the entitlement may be used. During the Condition Clearance phase, submit the following items to City Planning for review and approval:

Obtain City Planning's approval before submitting the files for recordation with the Los Angeles County Recorder’s Office.