Original Code

Original Zoning Code (Chapter 1)

The zoning regulations in all areas of the City excluding Downtown  (that is, any Community Plan  effective prior to the Downtown Community Plan, which went into effect in January 2025) are in the Original Zoning Code (Chapter 1). These regulations are published in the Municipal Code. The City's zoning provisions regulate many aspects of how land may be used―everything from specifying where different uses may be located to outlining the processes for requesting relief from certain land use regulations. The processes for reviewing project planning applications and requests, for all areas of the City are outlined in Article 13 (Administration) of Chapter 1A of the Municipal Code. These citywide Processes and Procedures for all projects are contained in the New Zoning Code (Chapter 1A).

The Original Zoning Code (Chapter 1) also establishes the Chapter 1 Environmental Protections Measures Handbook, which is accompanied by a Standard Sheet for all plans requiring a grading, building, or excavation permit.

In Los Angeles’s Original Zoning Code (Chapter 1), similar land uses are grouped into general categories and referenced by a letter in the alphabet. This letter is followed by a number to signify the allowable intensity of the use or, in some cases, the density.

The Original Zoning Code (Chapter 1) also establishes limitations on the size and scale of buildings through the use of height districts. The height district limits the height of a building and its square footage. The height district is defined by a number, which appears after the zone class.

From time to time, properties may be subject to further development limitations—land use restrictions that prevent construction of a building at the maximum height or mass. These properties have a prefix or an additional suffix attached to the height district.

In a city as large as Los Angeles, some neighborhoods or districts are subject to unique or tailored zoning regulations― known as Overlay and Specific Plans, which function as an additional layer of zoning rules. Properties located within an overlay are typically identified by a series of letters at the end of the zoning string but may also be identified by a unique zone.

zoning regulations

This example of a commercial zone breaks the zoning string down into its parts, showing how each component regulates different aspects of buildings.


A Q condition prefix may impose either temporary or permanent development restrictions on a property. These restrictions are uniquely applied to an individual or group of properties, and can further limit the types of allowed uses that would otherwise be permitted within the Zone Class.

For example, a Q condition can prohibit a property in the C2 zone from being used for commercial uses that are not neighborhood-serving retail or restaurant uses.

Zone Class

The zone class identifies the types of uses that are permitted on a property, including regulations related to building setbacks and minimum lot size requirements.

In this case, a variety of different commercial uses would be allowed, but some uses, like a bowling alley or penny arcade, would not be permitted, based on the City’s Zoning Code.

Height District

The height district specifies the maximum building height and permitted floor area allowed on a property.

For example, the C2 Zone in Height District 1 would allow a 75 foot-tall building and a 1.5 to 1 floor area ratio (FAR).

D Limitation

A D limitation may be adopted on a property or neighborhood to impose further restrictions on the height, floor area, and setbacks of a building.

For example, a D limitation imposed on a C2 Zone in Height District 2 may reduce the permitted floor area ratio of the site from 6 to 1 down to a 3 to 1 FAR.

Supplemental Use District or Overlay

Zones that are located within a Supplemental Use District, or Overlay, are subject to further regulatory controls.

For example, this "C2" Commercial Zone is subject to the standards of one of the City’s Community Design Overlay Districts (CDO). Other applicable overlays or use districts may include Community Plan Implementation Overlays, Historic Preservation Overlays, or Equinekeeping Districts.

While some of these additional regulations may be found in the City’s Original Zoning Code (Chapter 1), these additional layers of zoning regulations are often adopted as stand-alone ordinances.

Learn More

Overlays implement the City’s General Plan and Community Plans through neighborhood-specific policy objectives, supplementing the underlying base zoning. They provide an additional layer of planning control applied to properties in a clearly defined geographic area, and function as tailored zoning districts each with its own specialized set of regulations.

Community Plan Updates

As the Department launches updates to Los Angeles’s 35 Community Plans, new zoning will be developed to implement the policies and vision for each of its plans.

Code Amendments

In addition to community plan updates, the Department is spearheading citywide and targeted Zoning Code revisions to improve the general welfare and livability of its residents.