Design Review

Starting early 2025 all new applications in the Downtown Community Plan Area will be subject to the New Zoning Code and must use revised forms (where applicable). These forms are now available at the Department of City Planning's Forms page.

Local projects may require City Planning's review to ensure compliance with design standards and other zoning rules. The Department’s Urban Design Studio works to elevate the quality of design in the public and private realms, fostering a more vibrant, livable, walkable, and sustainable City. The studio offers all applicants free virtual consultations.

Contact Information
Email general inquiries to

Danai Zaire
City Planning Associate
(213) 847-3709

Holly Harper
Planning Assistant
(213) 847-3706

Citywide Design Guidelines

The Department created the Citywide Design Guidelines to preserve Los Angeles’s natural resources and green spaces and improve the quality of environmental considerations in project design.

Programs and Initiatives

The Urban Design Studio spearheads neighborhood-level and citywide design initiatives, including noteworthy landscape and site design standards.

Guidelines and Resources

The Urban Design Studio has helped craft design guidelines that have shaped both private and public development in Los Angeles.