Housing Crisis Act and Resident Protections

City Planning’s Housing Crisis Act (HCA) Implementation Unit provides information and guidance regarding the Housing Crisis Act and the City’s Resident Protections Ordinance (RPO). This includes HCA Vesting Preliminary Applications. Additional services include information about housing replacement requirements, occupant protections, and no net loss of housing requirements and the City procedures for implementing these requirements.

Hours of Operation
Schedule an Appointment
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except
Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Location and Contact
201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 525
Los Angeles CA, 90012
(213) 202-5456

The HCA, enacted in 2019 as Senate Bill (SB) 330, declared a statewide crisis in order to address California’s affordable housing shortage, strengthen tenant protections and preserve existing affordable housing. The HCA has been in effect since January 1, 2020, with subsequent updates and clarifications made through SB 8 (2021) and AB 1218 (2023).

Locally, in an effort to balance housing production and housing preservation, the Los Angeles City Council adopted the RPO in early 2025. The RPO codifies the HCA, making provisions that apply to housing development projects permanent. It also expands occupant protections and enhances requirements for Affordable units in the City. To learn more about local requirements, please see the Resources Dropdown below including the Replacement Unit and Occupant Protections Fact Sheet.

City Planning's Online Application System (OAS)

Submit your Housing Crisis Act Vesting application requests via The City Planning Online Application System (OAS).

Housing Crisis Act (HCA) Vesting Preliminary Application Workflow

A guide for the HCA Vesting Preliminary Application workflow is available. The guide contains an overview of the application steps, helpful links, and contact information.

Replacement Requirements & Occupant Protections Fact Sheet

Review a summary of replacement requirements and occupant protections introduced by the Housing Crisis Act and enhanced by the Resident Protections Ordinance (RPO).