Housing Progress Dashboard
City Planning is pleased to present a comprehensive look at Los Angeles’s housing pipeline through the new Housing Progress Dashboard, launched in November 2019. This interactive dashboard displays housing activity and trends across the City of Los Angeles from 2015 to present at a level of detail not available until now.
The dashboard allows City Planning to share an expanded range of housing information in a visual way, including an in-depth accounting of affordability levels, geographic locations, and more. Each graph in the Housing Progress Dashboard is fully interactive—click on a bar, line, pie, or map area to change the information presented in the graphs on that page. For example, in the chart “Percentage of Units Proposed by Entitlement Type,” clicking on the 2016 bar will update the surrounding figures to show data for 2016 only.
Below, explore the dashboard and the progress City Planning has made toward meeting the housing needs of our communities.
On September 22, 2017, City Planning adopted the Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Incentive Program in accordance with Measure JJJ—a voter-approved initiative passed in November 2016 to incentivize affordable housing near transit. The TOC Program has created a new tier-based system of incentives for certain residential projects. Projects that qualify can request additional building incentives in exchange for a specific set-aside of restricted affordable units. Density Bonus is another incentive program that allows housing developers to build an additional number of units in exchange for providing affordable units. The dashboards below show how the TOC and Density Bonus Programs have been used to generate affordable housing throughout the City.
The Housing Progress Dashboard, updated quarterly, replaces the Housing Progress Report publication, which has been incorporated into City Planning's Quarterly Report. Archived issues of the Housing Progress Report remain available below. Please email questions or data requests to planning.metrics@lacity.org.
2019 | Q2 Housing Report 2019 | Q1 Housing Report 2018 | Q4 Housing Report 2018 | Q3 Housing Report 2018 | Q2 Housing Report