Starting early 2025 all new applications in the Downtown Community Plan Area will be subject to the New Zoning Code and must use revised forms (where applicable). These forms are now available at the Department of City Planning's Forms page.
City Planning’s Online Application System (OAS) simplifies the project submission process for select planning services. The OAS makes it possible for applicants to file and pay for certain services online, without requiring an in-person visit. For planning entitlements not available through OAS, schedule an appointment with the City’s Development Services Centers (DSCs).
Case Condition Clearances
Once a discretionary entitlement application has been approved, applicants must provide plans and materials to City Planning to demonstrate compliance with their conditions of approval. Applicants will need to submit two hard copies of the final plans and materials, including a copy of the recorded covenant and Drop Off Transmittal Form marked “Case Condition Clearance.” These documents should be submitted at least two business days prior to any meeting.
Note: Case condition clearances for projects that require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report by the Major Projects Section are required to submit application materials directly to All other case condition clearances should be completed online through the City's BuildLA appointment system.
Clearance Summary Worksheets
City Planning must screen, review, and sign off on building permits that require planning clearances to verify that the project is in compliance with specific development regulations. Submit a Clearance Summary Worksheet (CSW) for planning clearances. If plans need to be approved in conjunction with a CSW, submit a request through the Online Application System (OAS).