- Policies
The City of Los Angeles is embarking on the 2021-2029 update to the Housing Element of the General Plan. The Housing Element identifies Los Angeles’s housing needs and establishes clear goals and objectives. Los Angeles has led the way in adopting creative solutions to produce both market rate and affordable housing, but we still have a long way to go to fully address the housing crisis. The Housing Element is our opportunity to tackle Los Angeles’s housing needs through meaningful and effective policies. To be truly valuable, the Housing Element Update requires significant public engagement and input from people like you. We invite you to partner with us on this critical work by taking any of the actions below.
Sign up for Updates
Over the next two years we will be sharing many opportunities to participate in the Housing Element update, both in person and online. The best way to stay informed is to join the Housing Element email list. You can also follow City Planning on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Help spread the word and encourage your friends who are interested in housing policy to sign up as well!
Save the Date
Learn about the Housing Element update at an open house meeting in early 2020. This open house will be the first in a series of public workshops, hearings, and opportunities for engagement that will take place throughout the Housing Element Update process. Join the email list and keep an eye on social media for details.
Apply to Join the Task Force
City staff are seeking assistance from those with specialized knowledge relating to housing in Los Angeles to help guide the update process. As with past updates, we are forming the 2021-2029 Housing Element Task Force. The Task Force will be made up of a diverse group of community leaders, special needs service providers, affordable and market-rate housing developers, and other housing and community development professionals who represent a wide range of expertise. From now until December 4, 2019, the City is soliciting applications to join this group. If you are interested, please find more details and the application here.
Read up on the Current Housing Element
The State of California requires Los Angeles to update the City’s Housing Element every eight years. The current element, which was adopted in 2013, will serve as the foundation for this update effort. The current Housing Element is framed around four goals:
- A City where housing production and preservation result in an adequate supply of ownership and rental housing that is safe, healthy and affordable to people of all income levels, races, ages and suitable for their various needs.
- A City in which housing helps to create safe, livable, and sustainable neighborhoods.
- A City where there are housing opportunities for all without discrimination.
- A City committed to ending and preventing homelessness.
You can learn how these goals are supported by objectives, policies and programs on the Housing Element webpage.
If you have questions about the Housing Element, please email HousingElement@lacity.org. Thank you for your interest!