1100 E. 5th Street Project

Case Number: ENV-2016-3727-EIR
Council District: 14
Community Plan Areas: Central City North
Project Location: 1100 E. 5th Street, 506-530 S. Seaton Street (southeast corner of E. 5th and Seaton Streets), Los Angeles, California, 90013

Project Description: The 1100 E. 5th Street Project proposes the demolition of three existing warehouse buildings and a surface parking lot, to allow for the construction of an eight-story, mixed-use building comprised of 220 live/work units, of which 11 percent (25 units) would be deed-restricted for Very Low Income households, up to 46,548 square feet of commercial uses, and 22,725 square feet of open space. The Project would include a total of 249,758 square feet, for a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 4.75:1, and a maximum building height of 116 feet to the top of the parapet. Vehicle parking would be provided within three subterranean parking levels.

The Project includes an increased commercial option that provides the flexibility to: replace 20 live/work units with up to 64,313 square feet of commercial uses; an increase of the commercial uses floor area by an additional 17,765 square feet. There would be no change to the proposed building envelope, open space, percentage of deed-restricted Very Low Income households, or the number of vehicle subterranean parking levels.


Based on the analysis included in the Draft EIR, the Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts related to: Project construction noise and construction vibration impacts related to human annoyance and cumulative construction noise impacts. All other potential impacts would be less than significant or mitigated to less-than-significant levels.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update The Department of City Planning recognizes the unprecedented nature of COVID-19, and having been identified as an essential City service, continues to work and respond to all inquiries pertaining to our ongoing efforts to process entitlement applications and study updates to our community plans and citywide policies.

The Draft EIR is also available online at the Department of City Planning’s website at https://planning.lacity.org/development-services/eir. The DEIR can be purchased on a USB for $5.00 per copy by contacting the planning staff listed below. Copies are also available at the following Library Branches:

Please direct your comments to:

Via Mail:          Kathleen King
                         City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
                         221 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1350
                         Los Angeles, CA 90012
Via Email:       Kathleen.King@lacity.org


Draft EIR Sections


Draft EIR Appendices