Project Description: The Project includes: (1) the development of a 19-story, multi-family residential building with 153 residential units (including 17 Very Low Income units) and a maximum height of 225 feet; (2) the deconstruction, off-site storage, reassembly, rehabilitation and limited alteration of the existing cathedral of Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon–St. Peter Maronite Catholic Cathedral; and (3) the removal of three existing ancillary church buildings, including the parish rectory, a building with offices and meeting rooms, and a social hall, and their replacement with a new three-story building with ancillary church uses, including offices, meeting rooms, and a multi-purpose room. The Project also includes 16,800 square feet of open space, including approximately 9,200 square feet of common open space and 7,600 square feet of private open space, and a total of 397 vehicle parking spaces, including 252 residential parking spaces and 145 church parking spaces, within a five-level subterranean parking structure. To accommodate excavation and construction activities for the subterranean parking structure, the cathedral (other than the front façade, which would remain on the Project Site) would be deconstructed and temporarily relocated off-site. Upon completion of the subterranean parking structure and the partial construction of the new residential and church buildings, the cathedral would be reassembled and rehabilitated in its approximate original location. Overall, the Project would result in a net increase of approximately 160,862 square feet of floor area on the Project Site. Upon completion of the Project, the total floor area of the buildings on the Project Site would be approximately 180,080 square feet, with a floor area ratio (FAR) of 4.99:1.
Anticipated Significant Environmental Effects: Based on the analysis included in the Draft EIR, the Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts related to: noise and vibration (on-site and off-site noise during construction, on-site and off-site vibration during construction [human annoyance], and operational noise associated with the loading docks). In addition, the following cumulative impacts would be significant: noise and vibration impacts (on-site and off-site noise during construction, and off-site vibration during construction [human annoyance]). All other potential impacts would be less than significant or mitigated to less-than-significant levels.
File Review and Comments: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
The Department of City Planning recognizes the unprecedented nature of COVID-19, and having been identified as an essential City service, continues to work and respond to all inquiries pertaining to our ongoing efforts to process entitlement applications and study updates to our community plans and citywide policies. As a result of the Mayor’s Safer at Home Order issued March 19, 2020, some of the previous means to access materials at libraries are no longer available to all residents or interested parties. To that end, the Department of City Planning will ensure that interested parties seeking information about the Project will have access.
The DEIR is available online at the Department of City Planning’s website at The DEIR can be purchased on CD-ROM for $5.00 per copy by contacting the planning staff listed below.
If you are unable to access digital copies of the DEIR, the Department will attempt to make reasonable arrangements to mail and supply the materials. In addition, physical copies of the Draft EIR and case file can still be viewed at City offices. The Department has implemented additional measures to ensure the safety of the public viewing physical case files, necessitating appointments.
The Draft EIR and the documents referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public review at the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, 221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Please contact the Staff Planner listed below to schedule an appointment.
If you wish to submit comments following review of the Draft EIR, please reference the Environmental Case No. above, and submit them in writing by Monday, June 28, 2021, no later than 4:00 P.M.
Please direct your comments to:
Paul Caporaso
City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1350
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 847-3629
DEIR Comment Period: May 13, 2021 to June 28, 2021
Draft EIR Sections