Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment Sections: Please Select...Cover and TOCSection 1. IntroductionSection 2. Project DescriptionSection 3. SCEA Criteria and TPA ConsistencySection 4. Applicability of Connect SoCal MMsSection 5. SCEA Initial Study ChecklistSection 6. SCEASection 7. Preparers and Persons ConsultedSection 8. References, Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendices: Please Select...Appendix A_Air Quality Modeling WorksheetsAppendix B_Tree ReportAppendix C1_Cultural ResourcesAppendix C2_Archaeological Resources ReportAppendix D_Energy Consumption WorksheetsAppendix E.1_Soil Report Approval LetterAppendix E.2_Geotechnical InvestigationAppendix E.3_Natural History Museum Records SearchAppendix F_Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculations WorksheetsAppendix G.0_Environmental Site Assessments (cover)Appendix G.1_Phase I ESA 1123-1137 S Main StreetAppendix G.2_Phase I ESA 1147-1151 S Main StreetAppendix G3_Phase I ESA 1155-1165 S Main StreetAppendix G4_Phase II ESA 1155-1165 S Main StreetAppendix G5_Methane ReportAppendix H_Utilities and Service Provider Response LettersAppendix I_Noise Monitoring Data and Calculations WorksheetsAppendix J.1_CEQA VMT AnalysisAppendix J.2_Non-CEQA Transportation StudyAppendix K_Tribal Cultural Records Search