1001 Olympic (Olympia) Project

Case Number: ENV-2016-4889-EIR
Council District: 14
Community Plan Areas: Central City
Project Location: 911-955 South Georgia Street, 1000-1016 West James M. Wood Boulevard, 936-950 South Bixel Street, 1013-1025 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Project Description: The Project proposes to develop a mixed-use project (Project) on a 141,987-square-foot site (3.26 acres) located within the Central City Community Plan area of the City of Los Angeles (City). The Project includes three (3) high-rise towers (65-story ‘Tower A’; 43-story ‘Tower B’; and 53-story ‘Tower C’), including a four-story podium connecting all three towers. The Project would provide up to approximately 163,015 square feet of open space and recreational amenities. Overall, the new building would comprise up to 1,845,831 square feet of floor area. A Sign District is proposed for the Project Site. The Environmental Impact Report accounts for two potential development scenarios, “Option 1” and “Option 2”: • Option 1: The Project would include up to 1,367 residential units and up to 40,000 square feet of restaurant/retail space. In this option, Tower A would include up to 488 residential units and up to 19,952 square feet of restaurant/retail uses. • Option 2: The Project would include up to 1,000 hotel rooms and 879 residential units, and up to 40,000 square feet of restaurant/retail space. In this option, Tower A would include up to 1,000 hotel rooms and up to 19,952 square feet of restaurant/retail uses. Development of Towers B and C would be the same under both Option 1 and Option 2: • Tower B would include up to 363 residential units and up to 11,769 square feet of restaurant/retail uses. • Tower C would include up to 516 residential units and up to 8,279 square feet of restaurant/retail uses. The tallest tower, Tower A, would have a maximum height of 853 feet above ground level. The proposed uses would be supported by up to 2,131 parking spaces and 1,548 bicycle parking spaces located in five subterranean levels and three above ground parking levels. To accommodate the Project, the existing 43,892 square-foot medical office and urgent care facility, and associated surface parking lot area would be removed.

Anticipated Significant Environmental Effects: Based on the analysis included in the Draft EIR, the Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts related to: (1) Project and cumulative regional air quality emissions during operation; (2) Cumulative on-site noise during construction; (3) Project and cumulative on-site and off-site vibration related to human annoyance during construction; (4) Project and cumulative traffic intersection levels of service and associated access impacts during operation. All other potential impacts would be less than significant or mitigated to less-than-significant levels.

Document Review and Comment: The Draft EIR and the documents referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public review at the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning at 221 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90012 during office hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please contact the Staff Planner listed below to schedule an appointment. The Draft EIR is also available online at the Department of City Planning's website at https://planning.lacity.gov (click on "Environmental Review" tab on the left-hand side, then "Draft EIR", and click on the Project title); and digital copies are also available at the following Library Branches:

                       1.  Los Angeles Central Library, 630 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071
                       2.  Pico Union Branch Library, 1030 South Alvarado Street, Los Angeles, CA 90006
                       3.  Little Tokyo Branch Library, 203 South Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
                       4.  Echo Park Branch Library, 1410 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026
                       5.  Chinatown Branch Library, 639 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
                       6.  Felipe de Neve Branch Library, 2820 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90057

The Draft EIR can also be purchased on a CD-ROM for $5.00 per copy. Contact Jonathan Chang of the City of Los Angeles at (213) 847-3625 to purchase copies. If you wish to submit written comments regarding the Draft EIR, please reference Case number ENV-2016-4889-EIR and submit them in writing by Monday, August 13, 2018 no later than 4:00 p.m.

Please direct your comments to:

                 Mail:   Jonathan Chang
                           City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning
                           221 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1350
                           Los Angeles, CA 90012
             E-mail:   jonathan.chang@lacity.org

Comment Review Period: June 28, 2018 - August 13, 2018

Draft EIR Sections
