San Pedro Zoning Code Update | About

City Planning is launching a new effort to apply the New Zoning Code’s framework and zoning system in the San Pedro Community Plan area.


The San Pedro Zoning Code Update (ZCU) was initiated to implement the New Code. It involves the application of zoning and land use designations that fall within the framework of the New Code and its zoning system.The project aims to mirror existing zoning and land use designations within the new system and incorporate best practices, while continuing to carry forth the vision created in the adopted community plan.


The San Pedro Community Plan, one of Los Angeles’s 35 Community Plans, guides future land use and development within the plan area. Engaging in an extensive and participatory outreach process, the San Pedro Community Plan was most recently updated in 2017. A unique feature of the plan was the introduction of the San Pedro Community Plan Implementation Overlay District (CPIO), a tool that provides additional use, development, and design standards within the district boundaries.

The New Zoning Code or New Code is the City’s comprehensive Zoning Code Update and will be Chapter 1A of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. The New Code includes a modern and efficient zoning system with five components: Form, Frontage, Development Standards, Use, and Density. The New Zoning Code is carried into a community plan through either a comprehensive Community Plan Update or through a New Zoning Update, which is a targeted and technical implementation project.

The Project

The primary goal of the San Pedro Zoning Code Update is to apply the new zoning system and retain the intent of the adopted community plan and its regulations. The project does not intend to change the recently adopted community plan policies or existing zoning capacity; the project focuses on “re-packaging” or mirroring the existing zoning to implement its equivalent zone along with its tailored regulations. In addition, existing San Pedro Community Plan Implementation Overlay (CPIO) development standards will be incorporated into the new zoning structure resulting in a streamlined project review process.

The New Zoning system includes the following components: Form, Frontage, Development Standards, Use and Density. While Form, Frontage, and Development standards provide the opportunity to regulate aspects of physical buildings, Use and Density regulate activities that occur within a building or space. As part of the project, these new zoning components will be developed for the San Pedro plan area.


Process Timeline