Senate Bill 9 (SB 9), the Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act, is a California law that aims to increase housing supply across the State through streamlined measures that expand infill development opportunities, including making it easier to apply for a lot split or two-unit development on a single-family zone.
For planning inquiries related to SB 9, email For additional resources, please see the Resources & Contact tab.
Key Components
Two Unit Developments
Permits and streamlines the process for the development of two primary dwelling units on single-family zoned lots
Urban Lot Splits
Permits and streamlines the process for subdividing an existing single-family zoned lot into two individual parcels without having to meet the minimum lot size required by the underlying zone
Development Scenarios
These examples illustrate some of the most common development scenarios and do not represent every possible lot/unit configuration.
Urban Lot Splits
Lot Split with two new rectangular parcels and a Single Family Dwelling (SFD) on each lot
Lot split with flag lot configuration with SFD and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) on one lot and an SFD and a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on the other lot
Two Unit Developments
2 SFDs + 1 detached ADU
Duplex + 1 detached ADU
2 SFDs + 1 JADU
Duplex + 2 detached ADUs
Urban Lot Splits & Two Unit Developments
Duplex on each lot
Duplex on one lot and 2 SFDs on one lot