City Planning Releases Draft Ordinances in Support of Housing Element Rezoning Program

PUBLISHED ON: March 11, 2024

City Planning is excited to announce the release of three draft ordinances in support of the Housing Element Rezoning Program and to kick off the next phase of outreach. The proposed ordinances are the result of conversations held and public feedback gathered over the course of 2023. These ordinances include:

  • Citywide Housing Incentive Program Ordinance
  • Housing Element Sites Ordinance
  • Resident Protections Ordinance

The Citywide Housing Incentive Program Ordinance aims to support housing development citywide and increase affordable housing in Higher Opportunity Areas through three distinct programs that encompass several of the key CHIP strategies:

  • State Density Bonus Program, which proposes technical revisions to clarify procedures and to affirm consistency with State Density Bonus Law.
  • Mixed Income Incentive Program, which seeks to establish incentives for housing development along Opportunity Corridors; promote Missing Middle housing typologies in higher opportunity areas; and embed enhanced transit-based incentives into the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
  • Affordable Housing Incentive Program, which offers incentives for One Hundred Percent Affordable Housing Projects, with added bonuses in Higher and Moderate Resource areas, and tailored citywide incentives for restricted residential sites including those owned by faith-based organizations, public land, and parking-zoned areas.

The Housing Element Sites Ordinance aims to implement housing element law requirements that apply to different categories of sites identified throughout the housing element process.

Lastly, the Resident Protections Ordinance aims to enhance and build upon current regulations concerning tenant protections, affordability term durations, and amenities for affordable housing units.

To learn more about the draft ordinances, register for an upcoming webinar by clicking here.

More information on each of these ordinances can be found on City Planning’s Housing Element Rezoning Program website here.

To read a summary of the outreach activities conducted and feedback collected during the Listen Phase of outreach click here.