Hollywood Center Project

Case Number: ENV-2018-2116-EIR
Council District: 13 - O'Farrell
State Clearinghouse Number: 2018051002
Community Plan Areas: Hollywood
Project Location: 1720-1724, 1740-1768, 1745-1753, and 1770 North Vine Street; 1746-1764 North Ivar Avenue; 1733- 1741 North Argyle Avenue; 6236, 6270, and 6334 West Yucca Street, Los Angeles, CA 90028. APNs: 5546-030-034, - 004-020, -030-028, 030-032, -030-031, -030-033, -004-021, -004-032, -004-029, -004-006

Public Comments

Administrative Record

Project Description: The Hollywood Center Project is a mixed-use development on an approximately 4.46-acre site, generally bounded by Yucca Street on the north, Ivar Avenue on the west, Argyle Avenue on the east, and adjacent development and Hollywood Boulevard on the south, and bifurcated by Vine Street. The portion of the Project Site located between Ivar Avenue and Vine Street is identified as the “West Site”, and the portion located between Vine Street and Argyle Avenue is identified as the “East Site”. The Project Site is currently developed with a single-story building and surface parking on the West Site; and the Capitol Records Building and Gogerty Building occupied by Capitol Records (the Capitol Records Complex), and surface parking on the East Site. Under the Project, the existing building on the West Site would be demolished and the Capitol Records Complex would be preserved, and the remainder of the Project Site would be redeveloped with 1,005 residential units, comprised of 872 market-rate and 133 senior affordable units, and up to 30,176 square feet of commercial uses, within four new mixed-use buildings (West Building, East Building, West Senior Building, East Senior Building) which range in height from 11 to 46 stories. Overall, the Project would contain up to 1,287,150 square feet of floor area, for a floor area ratio (FAR) of 6.973:1. Under a proposed East Site Hotel Option (Project with the East Site Hotel Option), 104 residential units within the East Building would be replaced with a hotel, with no change to the building height or massing. In total, the Project with the East Site Hotel Option would contain 884 residential units, comprised of 768 market-rate and 116 senior affordable units; a 220-room hotel with supporting amenities; and up to 30,176 square feet of commercial uses. Overall, the Project with the East Site Hotel Option would contain up to 1,272,741 square feet of floor area, for a FAR of 6.901:1. The Project is an Environmental Leadership Development Project (ELDP) under Assembly Bill 900, certified by the Governor on August 16, 2018.

Anticipated Significant Environmental Effects: Based on the analysis included in the Draft EIR, the Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts related to: Cultural Resources (Construction-Related Structural Vibration Impacts to Off-Site Historical Architectural Resources), Construction Noise (On-Site and Groundborne Noise, and Off-Site Truck and Vehicle Traffic Noise Impacts to Off-Site Sensitive Receptors), and Construction Vibration (Structural Vibration Impacts to Adjacent Off-Site Buildings and Human Annoyance Vibration Impacts to Adjacent Sensitive Receptors). All other potential impacts would be less than significant or mitigated to less-than-significant levels.

File Review and Comments: The Department of City Planning recognizes the unprecedented nature of COVID-19 and, having been identified as an essential City service, continues to work and respond to all inquiries pertaining to our ongoing efforts to process entitlement applications. As a result of the Mayor’s “Safer at Home” Order issued on March 19, 2020, means to access project-related materials in-person may be limited. To that end, the Department of City Planning will ensure that interested parties seeking information about the Project will have access.

The Draft EIR, and the documents referenced in the Draft EIR, may be purchased on CD-ROM for $5.00 per copy. Contact Mindy Nguyen, at (213) 847-3674 or mindy.nguyen@lacity.org to purchase a mailed CD-ROM copy, or for additional accommodations.

The Draft EIR, the documents referenced in the Draft EIR, and the whole of the case file, may be available for public review, by appointment only, at the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, 221 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90012, during office hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please contact the Staff Planner listed below to schedule an appointment.

Copies of the Draft EIR, and the documents referenced in the Draft EIR, have been provided to and may be available at the following Library Branches:

                1) Los Angeles Central Library, 630 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA  90071
                2) Frances Howard Goldwyn–Hollywood Regional Library, 1623 North Ivar Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90028
                3) Will & Ariel Durant Branch Library, 7140 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA  90046
                4) John C. Fremont Branch Library, 6121 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90038

If you wish to submit comments following review of the Draft EIR, please reference the Environmental Case No. above, and submit them in writing by Monday, June 1, 2020, no later than 4:00 P.M.

Please direct your comments to:

 Mail:     Mindy Nguyen
              City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
              221 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1350
              Los Angeles, CA  90012
Email:    mindy.nguyen@lacity.org

Public Comment Period: April 16, 2020 — June 1, 2020

Draft EIR Sections


References for Draft EIR

Executive Summary

I. Introduction

II. Project Description

III. Environmental Setting

IV.A Aesthetics

IV.B Air Quality

IV.C Cultural Resources

IV.D Geology and Soils

IV.E Greenhouse Gas Emissions

IV.F Hazards and Hazardous Materials

IV.G Hydrology and Water Quality

IV.H Land Use and Planning

IV.I Noise

IV.J Population and Housing

IV.K.1 Fire Protection

IV.K.2 Police Protection

IV.K.3 Schools

IV.K.4 Parks and Recreation

IV.K.5 Libraries

IV.L Transportation

IV.M Tribal Cultural Resources

IV.N.1 Wastewater

IV.N.2 Water Supply

IV.N.3 Solid Waste

IV.O Energy

V. Alternatives

VI. Other CEQA Considerations