Related Case Number: DIR-2022-9016-DB-SPR-VHCA
Community Plan Areas: Palms – Mar Vista – Del Rey
Project Documents: SCEA, Appendices
Project Description: The subject of this SCEA is a proposed residential development known as the 4112 Del Rey Avenue Project. The Project Site is a rectangular-shaped parcel bordered by a multi-family apartment building to the north, commercial uses to the east, a FedEx Ship Center to the south, and Del Rey Avenue to the west. The Project Site is currently occupied by six one-story creative office and warehouse buildings and associated surface parking. The Project proposes the development of a new, six-story (66-foot-tall) mid-rise building consisting of 210 residential units, including 33 studio units, 108 one-bedroom units, 53 two-bedroom units, and 16 three-bedroom units, and 33,793 square feet of open space. Of these units, 18 units (11 percent of the base density) would be designated as Very Low Income (VLI) units. The Project would contain 253,974 square feet of floor area resulting in a floor area ratio (FAR) of 2.06:1. As indicated on ZIMAS, the Project Site is located within a City-designated Transit Priority Area (TPA), defined as an area within one-half mile of a major transit stop that is existing or planned. The Project Site is also located within a High Quality Transit Area (HQTA), due to its location within one-half mile of a major transit stop or high quality transit corridor (HQTC). A total of 282 vehicular parking spaces would be provided within five above-grade parking levels. Access to the parking structure would be provided from a driveway off Dey Rey Avenue at the northwestern corner of the Project Site and would provide vehicular ingress and egress to the five above-ground parking levels. The parking structure would be wrapped by the residential uses. The Project includes the development of common and private open space areas throughout the Project Site. Level 1 of the Project Site would include a fenced courtyard for Project residents located along the western frontage of the Project Site and Level 6 of the residential building would include a pool deck and spa area, sky lounge, gym/fitness center, outdoor kitchen/dining areas, firepits, and outdoor seating and cabanas for the Project’s residents. Discretionary entitlements, reviews, and approvals required for implementation of the Project would include, but would not necessarily be limited to, the following: 1) Density Bonus Compliance Review pursuant to LAMC Section 12.22 A.25 and California Government Code Section 65915, including a density bonus of 35 percent, reduced parking requirements, and two on-menu incentives/concessions to allow a 35 percent increase in FAR and a one-story/11-foot building height increase; 2) Site Plan Review pursuant to LAMC Section 16.05 in connection with the proposed development of 50 or more new residential dwelling units; 3) Adoption of the Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA); and 4) Approval of other permits, ministerial or discretionary, may be necessary in order to execute and implement the Project. Such approvals may include, but not limited to: landscaping approvals, exterior approvals, storm water discharge permits, grading permits, haul route permits, and installation and hookup approvals for public utilities and related permits.
Anticipated Significant Environmental Effects: Pursuant to PRC Section 21155.2 a Project evaluated as a SCEA shall not have significant and unavoidable impacts. Based on the analysis included in the SCEA, the Project would not result in significant and unavoidable impacts. All potential impacts would be less than significant or mitigated to less-than-significant levels. Further, pursuant to PRC Section 21155.2(b), the SCEA has considered all possible impacts and incorporated Mitigation Measures for the following impact areas: Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Noise, Tribal Cultural Resources, and Mandatory Findings of Significance.
File Review and Comments:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Los Angeles City Planning recognizes the unprecedented nature of COVID-19, and having been identified as an essential City service, continues to work and respond to all inquiries pertaining to our ongoing efforts to process entitlement applications and study updates to our community plans and citywide policies.
The SCEA is available online at Los Angeles City Planning’s website at Pursuant to PRC Section 21155.2(b), comments on the SCEA are not required to be responded to by the City. If written comments are received, they will be provided to the decision-maker for consideration. The comment period starts on July 27, 2023 and ends on August 28, 2023.
If you are unable to access digital copies of the SCEA, Planning will attempt to make reasonable arrangements to mail and supply the materials. Please contact the Staff Planner listed below for assistance.
If you wish to submit comments following review of the SCEA, please reference the Environmental Case No. above, and submit them in writing by Monday, August 28, 2023, no later than 4:00 p.m.
Please direct your comments to:
Mail: | More Song, City Planner |
City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning 200 N. Spring Street, Room 763 Los Angeles, CA 90012 |
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