Case Number: ENV-2020-3851-EIR
Council District: 4 - Raman
Community Plan Areas: Wilshire
Project Location: 5700-5780 Wilshire Boulevard; 712-752 South Curson Avenue; 5721-5773 West 8th Street; and 715-761 South Masselin Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90036
ENV-2020-3851-EIR: June 17, 2021 Notice of Preparation
Wilshire Courtyard Redevelopment Initial Study
Wilshire Courtyard Redevelopment Scoping Meeting Presentation
Wilshire Courtyard Redevelopment Project Scoping Meeting Recording
Appendix IS-1__Tree Survey
Appendix IS-2__Geotechnical Investigation
Appendix IS-3__Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA, and Methane Report
Appendix IS-4__ Hydrology Report