David Phelps

North Valley Commissioner Phelps Headshot Member Area Planning Commissions

Commissioner David Phelps is a State and Local Public Affairs Professional and Principal of Phelps Public Affairs. He has 25 years of hands-on experience with non-profit management, business consulting, and organizational advocacy. The Commissioner regularly works with top employers in the North Valley’s manufacturing sector to address future workforce and economic development needs in our region. Commissioner Phelps completed his master’s coursework in Public Administration at California State University, Northridge, and has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the same institution. Commissioner Phelps currently serves as co-chair of the United Chambers of the San Fernando Valley’s Government Affairs Committee, and as Executive Vice President of the Chatsworth – Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce to help resolve complex and sensitive issues impacting the business community. Commissioner Phelps also currently serves as a member of FilmLA’s Community Relations and Government Affairs Committees, working with industry stakeholders to strengthen relationships with governmental partners as local film production continues to recover from the strike. Commissioner Phelps lives in North Hills.


North Valley Area Planning Commission