West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission

Click here to read the rules and operating procedures that were adopted pursuant to the authority set forth in Charter Section 506 to assist the Commission in conducting City business consistent with law. For more information, contact: apcwestla@lacity.org.

Haley Feng

Commissioner Feng works at Thomas Safran & Associates, an affordable housing developer, and has worked in the environmental justice, economic development, and housing sectors. She holds a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from USC’s Price School of Public Policy, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at UCLA after attending community college. Ms. Feng immigrated to the United States when she was 16 and is passionate about creating opportunities for all.

Marty Shelton

Commissioner Shelton is a commercial real estate broker specializing in the development, retail leasing and sale of multi-family / mixed-use projects / retail properties in the Los Angeles area for more than 30 years with both CB Richard Ellis (“CBRE”) and NAI Capital Commercial, Inc. Throughout his real estate tenure, he has been involved in a wide variety of commercial transactions from bank asset sales to shopping center sales.

April Sandifer

April Sandifer is a native Angeleno dedicated to social and environmental justice. Inspired by her great-grandmother's commitment to the South Los Angeles community, she has pursued a career focused on urban development and community engagement. April earned both her Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies and a Master's in Urban Ecology from Loyola Marymount University.

Esther Margulies

Commissioner Margulies is a landscape architect and professor of Architecture at USC, where she is Interim Director of the Landscape Architecture + Urbanism graduate program and a former board member of the Architecture Guild. She co-founded the Los Angeles River Public Art Project. Ms. Margulies holds a bachelor's degree from Cornell University and a master's from the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

Lisa Waltz Morocco

Commissioner Waltz Morocco is a stage and screen actress. She is President of the Overland Avenue Community, Vice-Chair of the Westside Neighborhood Council, the secretary of the Lange Foundation, and a founding board member of the Steel River Playhouse in Pennsylvania. Ms. Waltz Morocco holds a bachelor's degree in Drama from Carnegie Mellon University.

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