TVC 2050 Project

Case Number: ENV-2021-4091-EIR
Council District: 5 - Yaroslavsky
Community Plan Areas: Wilshire
Project Location: 7716-7860 West Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90036

Project Description: The Project would establish the TVC 2050 Specific Plan (Specific Plan) to allow for the continuation of an existing studio use and the modernization and expansion of media production facilities within the approximately 25-acre Television City studio (Project Site). The proposed Specific Plan would permit a total of up to a maximum of 1,874,000 square feet of sound stage, production support, production office, general office, and retail uses within the Project Site upon buildout, as well as associated circulation improvements, parking, landscaping, and open space. More specifically, the Specific Plan would permit up to 1,626,180 square feet of new development, the retention of a minimum of 247,820 square feet of existing uses, and the demolition of up to 495,860 square feet of existing media production facilities. The Specific Plan would establish standards to regulate land use, massing, design, and development. The designated Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM No. 1167; CHC-2018-476-HCM) located on-site would be retained and rehabilitated as part of the Project. In addition, a Sign District would be established to permit studio-specific on-site signage.

The Specific Plan would provide development flexibility by allowing for limited exchanges between certain categories of permitted land uses and associated floor areas in order to respond to the future needs and demands of the entertainment industry. Specifically, additional sound stage uses and/or production support uses may be developed in exchange for a reduction in floor area of another permitted land use category, so long as the limitations of the Specific Plan are met, including that the total sitewide floor area may not exceed 1,874,000 square feet and the sitewide floor area ratio (FAR) may not exceed 1.75:1. Buildout under the Specific Plan could take place in one phase with completion as early as 2026 or could occur in phases to extend the full buildout year to approximately 2043.


Digital copies of the Final EIR are also available at the following Library Branches:

Los Angeles Central Library, 630 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071
Frances Howard Goldwyn–Hollywood Regional Library, 1623 Ivar Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Fairfax Branch Library, 161 South Gardner Street, Los Angeles, CA 90036

The Final EIR is available for public review, by appointment only, at the City Planning offices located at 221 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90012. If you are unable to access the digital project materials, or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact the project planner listed below to schedule an appointment.


Paul Caporaso
Major Projects City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1350
Los Angeles, CA  90012
Phone: (213) 847-3629

FEIR Sections:

FEIR Appendices