Local Density Bonus Programs are designed to encourage the production of on-site affordable housing throughout the City. In Los Angeles, the Citywide Housing Incentive Program offers three options for local density bonus programs including, the State Density Bonus Program, the Affordable Housing Incentive Program (AHIP), and the Mixed Income Incentive Program (MIIP). Each program streamlines review procedures and offers incentives for eligible project types in order to expand access to affordable housing near transit, jobs, along major corridors, and in particular cases, in higher opportunity areas.
The State Density Bonus Program offers development incentives for housing projects and serves as the City’s primary mechanism for implementing State Density Bonus Law. The AHIP includes both state-required and local development incentives for 80-100% affordable developments, developments on land owned by faith-based organizations, community land trusts, and public agencies. The MIIP provides local incentives around transit served nodes, expands development bonuses for housing developments on or near major corridors in high opportunity areas of the City. The three programs function together to expand opportunities for affordable housing construction, with greater incentives for both 100% affordable developments under AHIP and projects in higher opportunity areas under MIIP.