Density Bonus

Local Density Bonus Programs are designed to encourage the production of on-site affordable housing throughout the City. In Los Angeles, the Citywide Housing Incentive Program offers three options for local density bonus programs including, the State Density Bonus Program, the Affordable Housing Incentive Program (AHIP), and the Mixed Income Incentive Program (MIIP). Each program streamlines review procedures and offers incentives for eligible project types in order to expand access to affordable housing near transit, jobs, along major corridors, and in particular cases, in higher opportunity areas.

The State Density Bonus Program offers development incentives for housing projects and serves as the City’s primary mechanism for implementing State Density Bonus Law. The AHIP includes both state-required and local development incentives for 80-100% affordable developments, developments on land owned by faith-based organizations, community land trusts, and public agencies. The MIIP provides local incentives around transit served nodes, expands development bonuses for housing developments on or near major corridors in high opportunity areas of the City. The three programs function together to expand opportunities for affordable housing construction, with greater incentives for both 100% affordable developments under AHIP and projects in higher opportunity areas under MIIP.


Program Incentives

Base Incentives
While all three programs are local versions of State Density Bonus Law, specifically, AHIP and MIIP offer applicants more generous development incentives compared to the State Density Bonus Program. All projects can access the density and parking base incentives (available under state law); however, AHIP and MIIP also provide varying floor area ratio (FAR) and height bonuses as base incentives above and beyond what state law offers.


Menu of Incentives
The ministerial Menu of Incentives comprises the most common form of requested incentives. These incentives include, but are not limited to: projects that seek a limited increase in allowed height, floor area, and lot coverage, along with reductions to yard/setback, alternate calculation of open space, and lot width requirements.


Incentives Not on the Menu of Incentives and Waiver
Developers can request Incentives not on the Menu of Incentives and waivers or reductions of any development standards that extend beyond the incentives enumerated by each local density bonus incentive program provided that applicants can demonstrate that their request is necessary to allow for the project's physical construction.


Public Benefit Options
Public Benefit Options offer projects the ability to utilize specific development bonuses in exchange for including community benefits as a part of their project. These options include, but are not limited to, child care facilities, multi-bedroom units, and surveyed historic resource facade rehabilitation.


Please note that the State Density Bonus Program, AHIP, and MIIP have slightly different Menus of Incentives and procedures. For more information on the procedural differences between the State Density Bonus Program, Affordable Housing Incentive Program, and the Mixed Income Incentive Program, see the Summary of Project Review Procedures section below.


Density Bonus Procedures

LADBS Ministerial Review

A project requesting base incentives or incentives on the Menu of Incentives, is considered by-right and reviewed through a ministerial building permit process. No CEQA review is conducted. These projects are not subject to an appeal. Developers must file a building permit application to the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety.

City Planning Ministerial Review

A project requesting incentives not on the Menu of Incentives and Public Benefit options is processed by City Planning through the Expanded Administrative Review, a ministerial review process. No CEQA review is conducted. For off-menu incentives, public hearings may be required, depending on the project. Developers must file the application and eligibility checklist to the Affordable Housing Services Section at the Metro/Downtown DSC.

Discretionary Review

A project requesting waivers or reductions of any Development Standards not listed on the Menu of Incentives may be subject to additional discretionary review, depending on which of the three programs the project is filing an application for. Developers must file the application and eligibility checklist to the Affordable Housing Services Center at the Metro/Downtown DSC.

Summary of Project Review Procedures
The table below is a summary of Project Review Procedures for the Local Density Bonus Programs.


Allowed Incentives



LADBSEARDIR (Appeal to CPC)CPC (CPC Final Decision Maker)
State Density Bonus ProgramUp to 4*

Base Incentives

Menu of Incentives

Public Benefit Options

Incentives not on the Menu of Incentives*


Projects Exceeding 50% or 88.75% Density Bonus
Mixed Income Incentive ProgramUp to 4*

Base Incentives

Menu of Incentives

Public Benefit Options

Incentives not on the Menu of Incentives

Up to 1 WaiverOver 1 Wavier
Affordable Housing Incentive ProgramUp to 5*

Base Incentives

Menu of Incentives

Public Benefit Options

Incentives not on the Menu of Incentives

Up to 1 Waiver

Up to 3 WaiversOver 3 Waivers
* Per GCS 65915, an applicant may request up to 4 incentives (5 for One Hundred Percent Affordable Housing Projects) on or not on Menu of Incentives. An applicant can mix and match incentives on or not on the Menu of Incentives.

Note that all housing developments approved pursuant to LAMC 12.22 A.37, LAMC 12.22 A.38, and LAMC 12.22 A.39 shall comply with the Environmental Protection Measures (EPM) Handbook. To learn more about the EPM Handbook for Chapter I of the Zoning Code click here and to learn more about the EPM Handbook for Chapter 1A of the Zoning Code click here.

For more information on the State Density Bonus Program, Affordable Housing Incentive Program, and Mixed Income Incentive Program, please review these resources below.

State Density Bonus Program

Affordable Housing Incentive Program (AHIP)

Mixed Income Incentive Program (MIIP)

Ordinance No. 188477 - Ch 1

Ordinance No. 188478 - Ch 1A

Ordinance No. 188477 - Ch 1

Ordinance No. 188478 - Ch 1A

2024 TCAC Map

Ordinance No. 188477 - Ch 1

Ordinance No. 188478 - Ch 1A

Opportunity Corridors and Corridor Transition Incentive Area Map

Transit Oriented Incentive Areas Map

2024 TCAC Map


Chapter 1

CP13-4043 Affordable Housing Referral Form

CP-4097 Affordable Housing 100% Affordable Projects Referral Form (Chapter 1)

CP-4098 Affordable Housing FBO Referral Form (Chapter 1)

CP-4099 Affordable Housing Public Land Referral Form (Chapter 1)

CP-4100 Affordable Housing Shared Equity Project Referral Form (Chapter 1)

CP-4101 AHIP Ownership Declaration Form (Chapter 1)

CP-4095 Opportunity Corridor Incentive Area Referral Form (Chapter 1)

CP-4096 Transit Oriented Incentive Area Referral Form (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1A

CP13-4043 Affordable Housing Referral Form

CP-4097.A Affordable Housing 100% Affordable Projects Referral Form (Chapter 1A)

CP-4098.A Affordable Housing FBO Referral Form (Chapter 1A)

CP-4099.A Affordable Housing Public Land Referral Form (Chapter 1A)

CP-4100.A Affordable Housing Shared Equity Project Referral Form (Chapter 1A)

CP-4101 AHIP Ownership Declaration Form (Chapter 1)


Implementation Memos 

Memorandum of Implementation of State Density Law AB 1287 (2024)

On-Menu Density Bonus Ministerial Review Process (2021)

Implementation of State Density Bonus Law (2017)

Affordable Housing Incentive Guidelines (2024)

State Density Bonus Law: AB 2334, AB 1551, and AB 682 (2023)

AB 2345 and AB 1763 Revised Memorandum (2022)