Hollywood Redevelopment Plan

Staff Contact:
Development Services Center (DSC), Metro Counter
Redevelopment Plan Unit
201 N. Figueroa St. Suite 525
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 202-5456
email: planning.redevelopment@lacity.org
Community Plan Area(s):


Council District(s):
4 & 13
Area Planning Commission(s):

Central Los Angeles

Expiration Date: 
May 2028

The Hollywood Redevelopment Plan (HRP) was recently amended as a part of the Hollywood Community Plan Update (Ordinance No. 188455) to delete all provisions within the HRP that regulate the use and development of land in the Hollywood Community Plan Area. As such, the HRP shall have no force and effect with respect to City Planning land use approvals. The HRP, as amended, remains effective until May 7, 2028.

The land use, development and historic preservation regulations of the HRP were replaced with new regulations associated with the Hollywood Community Plan Implementation Overlay (CPIO) District, and the zoning districts established therein. Please refer to the CPIO webpage for more information.

No permit clearance is required for any permit activities within the Hollywood Redevelopment Project Area.

Application Information