Proposed Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) Ordinance, Housing Element Sites and Minimum Density Ordinance, & Resident Protections Ordinance

The City’s 2021-2029 Housing Element, known as the Plan to House LA, identified significant housing needs throughout Los Angeles reflected by high rents, overcrowded conditions, and housing instability. The Housing Element Rezoning Program, called for by the Housing Element, sets out to address these critical housing needs and meet the City’s housing obligations under state law through the adoption of three proposed ordinances: the Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) Ordinance, Housing Element Sites and Minimum Density Ordinance, and Resident Protections Ordinance. The proposed ordinances will be effective citywide. More information on these draft ordinances can be found on the Housing Element Rezoning Program webpage here.

Information Session Presentation:

City Planning Case:Environmental Case:Related Council File:
CPC-2023-7068-CA (CHIP Ordinance), 
CPC-2024-387-CA (Housing Element Sites and Minimum Density Ordinance), 
CPC-2024-388-CA (Resident Protections Ordinance)


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