Draft Plan
The East San Fernando Valley Transit Neighborhood Plan effort consists of five main components:
- Policy Document: A document that represents the land use vision for the study area; it contains goals, policies, and implementation programs which help guide decision-making around the future development of the community.
- Land Use Map: Select properties in the study area will receive a new land use designation which determines the general uses that are permitted and sets an envelope for the density and intensity at which the property can be developed.
- Zoning: Select properties in the study area will also receive a new zone string which applies specific regulations around how a property can be developed, including the scale and height of the building, how the ground floor interacts with the street, the specific activities that can occur, pedestrian access, landscaping and more. The ESFV TNP will be utilizing new zones created through the City’s new comprehensive zoning code.
- Mobility Plan Updates: The City’s Mobility Plan 2035 will be updated to better match existing conditions and/or to better align with future projects (e.g., the incoming Metro ESFV LRT).
- Environmental Review: State law requires environmental review to analyze and develop mitigation measures for potential impacts resulting from the plan, including from anticipated growth in housing, population and employment.