General Plan Overview

The General Plan serves as a blueprint for the future, prescribing policy goals and objectives to shape and guide the physical development of the City.

In the State of California, all cities are required to develop a General Plan. A General Plan is a comprehensive policy document that informs future land use decisions. It establishes land use designations and policies that identify a range of zoning options that can be applied to property. These policies assist decision makers as they review planning approvals for a new project or consider a proposed ordinance or policy.

By identifying land use categories and corresponding zones, the General Plan provides the foundational guide for planning, outlining how land is used and how the City allocates its resources. The General Plan is, however, more than just the legal basis for all local land use decisions; it is the vision for how the City will evolve, reflecting the values and priorities of its communities.


General Plan Elements


The Framework Element can be considered the organizing Element. Its policies address and connect all the Elements of the General Plan.

Framework Icon
HousingSafetyHealthMobilityConservationAir QualityNoiseInfrastructure SystemsPublic Facilities ServicesOpen SpaceLand Use


General Plan Reports


General Plan Annual Progress Reports

Each year the City of Los Angeles submits a General Plan Annual Progress Report (APR) to the State Office of Planning and Research and the State Housing and Community Investment Department. This requirement has been in place since 2019.

2022 Annual Progress Report
2021 Annual Progress Report
2019 & 2020 Annual Progress Report

Housing Element Annual Progress Report

Each year, the City reports on its status in implementing the Housing Element. These Reports are available on the Housing Element webpage.

Mobility Element Progress Reports

The City produces a periodic report on its status in implementing the Mobility Element’s Action Programs, as called for in the Mobility Plan 2035.

2016-2022 Programs Progress Report

Growth and Infrastructure Reports

The Department of City Planning is responsible for producing a periodic report on Growth and Infrastructure, which provides detailed information on City demographics, development activity, infrastructure and public facilities. The report is a program of the Framework Element of the General Plan. Its aim is to synthesize information about the City’s growth and infrastructure in one place.

As of 2019 the Growth and Infrastructure Report has been integrated into the General Plan Annual Progress Report and the Housing Element Annual Progress Report. All previous Growth and Infrastructure Reports are available below.
