Downtown Development Strategy
Downtown Los Angeles Community Plan Update
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Los Angeles City Planning partnered with the Downtown community to update the Central City and Central City North Community Plans. The Downtown Community Plan describes a collective vision for Downtown’s future and includes policies, plans, and implementation programs that frame the City’s long-term priorities. Downtown is the first Community Plan in the City to apply new zoning tools developed as part of the comprehensive update to the City of Los Angeles’s Zoning Code.
The update of the Downtown Community Plan takes cues from the City’s General Plan, particularly from its Framework Element, which describes the City’s long-term growth strategy. The Framework Element lays out goals, objectives, and policies for the range of land uses throughout the City, including Downtown, and guides the development of Community Plans. The Framework Element describes Downtown as “the principal government and business center of the region, with a worldwide market,” “the highest-density center of the City,” and a “hub of regional transportation.”
The Plan builds on Downtown’s concentration of transit options. With support from Metro’s Transit Oriented Development Grant Program, the City is promoting Downtown’s role as the convergence point of regional transit lines that connect multiple cities across Los Angeles County.
What is a Community Plan? Why do we need to update it?
Click the button below to watch a short video about Community Plans.
The ambition of the Downtown Community Plan is to create and implement a vision of the future for Downtown Los Angeles. Downtown is the birthplace of Los Angeles and the primary center of urban activity in the region. It remains the City's commercial, entertainment, cultural, and civic heart. Downtown is home to a diverse range of industries and a patchwork of distinct neighborhoods that sit at the center of an expanding regional transportation network. According to regional projections, by the year 2040, Downtown will be adding approximately:
+ 125,000 people
+ 70,000 housing units
+ 55,000 jobs
The Plan will strive to support and sustain the ongoing revitalization of Downtown, while thoughtfully accommodating this projected future growth.
A strong core is important to the health of the City.
The Plan will promote a dynamic, healthy and sustainable Downtown core that is tightly connected to its surroundings and supports the City of Los Angeles and the region.
The following core principles represent the long-term priorities for the Downtown Community Plan:
Accommodate anticipated growth through 2040 in an inclusive, equitable, sustainable, and healthy manner, while supporting and sustaining Downtown's ongoing revitalization
Reinforce Downtown's jobs orientation
Grow and support the residential base
Strengthen neighborhood character
Promote a transit-, bicycle-, and pedestrian-friendly environment
Create linkages between districts
Create a world-class streets and public realm
Spring 2023 Updates
What happened at the City Council meeting?
The Los Angeles City Council (City Council) at its meeting on May 3, 2023, voted unanimously to approve the Downtown Community Plan and the New Zoning Code with a few amendments. The City Council also recommended a number of follow up items including studies and reports that were requested in the motions from Council Districts 1-Hernandez, 9-Price, and 14-de Leon. The requested reports were transmitted to the City Clerk (CF 22-0617) on May and September, 2023 and can be found below.
- Report on River Building Height Limit (CF 22-061-S1)
- Report on Fashion District IX3 Production Space Requirement (CF-22-0617-S2)
- Report on Fashion District Campus Style Sites (CF-22-0617-S3)
- Report on Community Benefits in Skid Row (CF-22-0617-S4)
- Report on Publicly Accessible Open Space (CF-22-0617-S5)
- Report on Adaptive Reuse Program Eligibility (CF-22-0617-S6)
- Report on Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee Placement (CF-22-0617-S7
What happens next?
The City Council will consider the above reports and may recommend amendments to the Downtown Plan and the New Zoning Code. The amended Plan and the code, along with the implementing ordinances will be reviewed and finalized by the City Attorney, to ensure clarity of regulations and consistency with state law, which can take approximately six months to a year. After this Form and Legality process is complete, the Plan and new Zoning Code will be brought into effect by the City Council.
For details on the approved Plan and to view the zoning click the “Approved Plan”
To sign up for future updates or contact staff with questions click the "Contact" tab above.
Los Angeles City Planning is pleased to share:
Approved Plan and Zoning Documents
- Letter of Determination and transmittal to City Council’s Planning and Land Use Management Committee
- Proposed Draft Downtown Community Plan Text (Updated Summer 2022) - Includes goals, policies, and programs for the Downtown Community. This document outlines the plan vision and memorializes community feedback and modifications from City Planning Commission.
- Draft Downtown Community Plan Land Use Designation Map (Updated Summer 2022) - Designates where general uses and building scales are allowed (i.e residential, commercial) and establishes what specific zones can be allowed in different neighborhoods.
- Draft Zoning Map (Updated June 2021)
- Interactive - searchable by address and provides property specific zoning regulations that can be downloaded
- Printable - pdf maps showing proposed zoning string by subarea
- Draft Downtown Community Plan Implementation Overlay (CPIO) (Updated Summer 2022) - Includes standards for developments that provide community benefits (i.e. affordable housing, open space, community facilities), development standards for Bunker Hill and Civic Center, and design best practices.
- Draft Environmental Impact Report.
- Final Environmental Impact Report.
- The new Zoning Code - Includes zoning districts, rules of measurement, and definitions.
* Please note that some of the materials included here were recommended for approval by the City Planning Commission on September 23, 2021. The Plan has since been considered by the PLUM Committee and City Council, which have recommended modifications to the Plan and the New Code. For a list of modifications please see here and here. The materials on this page are currently undergoing updates to reflect these changes.
Other Informational and Summary Materials
A crucial component of the Downtown Community Plan update has been to acknowledge historic inequities in the planning process, and their ongoing impact on communities of color, and facilitate meaningful dialogue with the Downtown community. This work is the culmination of years of integrating input on issues that touch the lives of everyone in the Downtown L.A. community, from housing affordability and access to economic opportunity, to mobility choice and public space. All of you have put in countless hours to provide feedback to City Planning on this Plan.
City Planning strives to provide time and flexibility for everyone to engage with us at all stages of the project. Please see the timeline below that shows the project process as a whole, and the many opportunities that were available for input and participation. To see materials from previous outreach events visit the resources page.
To recognize the impact of COVID-19 and to ensure broad participation, the engagement strategy focused on the following considerations and associated tools:
- Extended timelines
- Expanded Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) comment period from 45 days to 75 days
- Expanded Comment period on Public Hearing Plan drafts
- Educational Opportunities
- Planning 101 webinar: Planning 101 webinar: This webinar introduces the basics of community planning in Los Angeles
- Downtown Community Plan and code webinars: These webinars cover a technical and in-depth description of the proposed Downtown Community Plan
- Material accessibility
- Key materials were made available in Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese
- Simultaneous translation for Spanish during Webinars as requested
- All webinars included phone access to provide engagement opportunities for those without internet or computer access
Timeline & Outreach Activities
- 2014 - The Downtown Plan was launched. Between 2014 and 2021 the Downtown Planning team has held and participated in hundreds of community events to garner feedback on the draft plan. Conversations were held with property owners and representatives throughout the Community Plan Area.
- October 2016 - Released the Draft Plan concepts with a weeklong public Open Studio event.
- February 2017 - The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) scoping meeting was held.
- From 2017 to 2019 - Community engagement and outreach was conducted at community events, neighborhood council meetings, meetings of community based organizations and continued refinement of the Downtown Plan.
- July 2019 - Released the draft Downtown Plan.
- October 2019 - Released the draft new Zoning Map and Downtown Plan zones.
- November 2019 - Conducted community engagement and outreach at public open house events.
- January/February 2020 - Conducted community engagement and outreach at office hours events.
- February 2020 to July 2020 - Preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
- August 2020 - Released the Draft EIR and Preliminary Draft of the new Zoning Code, refined draft Downtown Plan (policy document, zoning map, General Plan Land Use map, and Community Plan Implementation Overlay).
- Fall 2020 - Held the Downtown Plan “Recap” Webinar (introduced the basics of planning in Los Angeles and the concepts of the Downtown Community Plan; allowed learning opportunities for those who joined around this time to learn about the planning update process).
- Fall 2020 - Held “Office hours” opportunities for public one-on-one meetings with planning staff to ask questions and provide feedback. These events did not include presentations or plan overview materials.
- Fall 2020 - Conducted small group engagement (available on request) with the public.
- Fall 2020 - Refined Plan II “Public Hearing Draft” which incorporated edits from Downtown Stakeholders and public feedback.
- Fall 2020 - released the Public Hearing Draft of the new Zoning Code, which will be City Planning’s proposed draft of the New Zoning Code.
- September 2020 - Held Virtual Office Hours community outreach events.
- December 2020 - Public Hearing1 for the Downtown Plan was held.
- June & August 2021 - The Refined Plan III “CPC Draft” Downtown Plan and new Zoning Code, which incorporated edits that Downtown Stakeholders provided at the Public Hearing in December of 2020, was heard at the June 17, 2021 and August 26, 2021 City Planning Commission meetings. City Planning Commissioners voted to continue deliberation of the Downtown Community Plan and new Zoning Code to September 23, 2021. No decision was made at this time.
- September 2021 - The Downtown Plan and new Zoning Code was heard at the September 23, 2021 City Planning Commission meeting2. City Planning Commissioners voted to recommend approval of the Downtown Community Plan and new Zoning Code.
- April 2023 - Refined Plan IV “Planning & Land Use Committee Draft” & Planning and Land Use Committee Meeting (PLUM). Draft IV incorporated edits from CPC & informed by public comment at CPC hearing (2021-2022).
- Spring 2023 - Refine Plan V “City Council Draft” & Full City Council. Draft V incorporates edits from PLUM informed by public comment at PLUM hearing.
- May 3, 2023 - Plan Adoption by City Council.
The Public Hearing is a formal opportunity for stakeholders to provide comments on the plan to a public hearing officer. These comments are documented and summarized in a report submitted to the City Planning Commission.
City Planning Commission is a regularly scheduled meeting where commissioners make decisions or recommendations on Department of City Planning recommendations. These decisions and recommendations are informed by the public comments provided at the commission meeting.
The Planning and Land Use Committee meeting is a regularly scheduled meeting where a selected group of City Council members make recommendations. These decisions are informed by the public comments provided at the committee meeting.
Draft Documents
Here you can view draft documents and outreach materials as they become available.
Broadway Theater and Entertainment District CDO Amendments - 2024
Click here to view the the proposed amendments to guidelines and standards in the Broadway Theater and Entertainment District Community Design Overlay (CDO). The purpose is to remove guidelines that are in conflict with the new zoning adopted as part of the Downtown Community Plan.
Little Tokyo CDO Amendments - 2024
Click here to view the the proposed amendments to guidelines and standards in the Little Tokyo Community Design Overlay (CDO). The purpose is to remove guidelines that are in conflict with the new zoning adopted as part of the Downtown Community Plan.
May 3, 2023 City Council Meeting
Click here to listen to the video recording (the Downtown Community Plan and new Zoning Code agenda item begins at 02:01:30).
Click here to view comment letters from the public and elected officials.
April 24, 2023 Planning and Land Use Management Committee Meeting
Click here to listen to the video recording (the Downtown Community Plan and new Zoning Code agenda item begins at 02:01:30).
Click here to view comment letters from the public and elected officials.
September 23, 2021 City Planning Commission Meeting
Click here to listen to the audio recording
Click here to view a PDF of the staff presentation
Click here to view the CPC Staff Recommendation Report and Exhibits
Click here to view the Technical Modifications/Corrections to the Staff Recommendation Report (September 2021)
Click here to view the Technical Modifications/Corrections to the Staff Recommendation Report (June 2021)
Click here to view the Supplemental Staff Report
Click here to view comment letters from the public and elected officials
June 17, 2021 City Planning Commission Meeting
Click here to listen to the audio recording
Click to view the staff presentation and Staff Report,
Click here to view comment letters from the public and elected officials.
Click here for Technical Modifications/Corrections to the Staff Recommendation Report
Proposed Plan & New Zoning Code Presentation - Summer 2021
Click here to view the Proposed Plan & New Zoning Code Presentation
Click here to view the Proposed Plan & New Zoning Code Supplemental Presentation
Downtown Community Plan Overview Handout
Click here to view the Downtown Community Plan Overview Handout
Summary of Plan policy and zoning updates made since December 2020
Click here to see document
DTLA 2040 Public Hearing December 8, 2020
Click here to listen to the Public Hearing
Click here to view documents submitted for Public Comment
Click here to view videos submitted for Public Comment
Downtown Fall 2020 Webinar Presentation
Click here to view the Downtown Community Plan and New Zoning Code Overview Video
Click here to view the Downtown Community Plan and New Zoning Code Presentation (PDF Slides)
Draft Concepts from the 2019 Open Studio
EIR Scoping Meeting
The documents below were shared at the Environmental Impact Report Scoping Meeting for the updates to the Downtown Community Plans & Amendments to the LAMC.
Downtown Community Plans EIR Scoping Meeting Presentation
Draft Concepts from the Open Studio
The documents below reflect draft policy concepts that will continue to be refined throughout the Plan development process. To learn more about the Open Studio & Design Charrette visit our News & Events page.
Additional Policy Documents & Outreach Materials
The Draft Plan Concepts for the Skid Row Area pamphlet provides a summary of the draft zoning regulations for the Skid Row area.
- March 2018
The Shaping the Skyline - A Dialogue with AIA document provides an overview of existing conditions and draft policy direction for urban form, especially as it relates to Downtown's skyline.
The Downtown Community Plan Strategies for HCNC document provides an overview of draft Downtown Community Plan policy direction and strategies for the neighborhoods represented by the HCNC.
Thoughtful Growth for Skid Row document provide an overview of draft Downtown Community Plan goals and strategies for the Skid Row community. The consolidated notes provide a summary of the comments received from community members about future goals for Skid Row.
The Downtown Community Plan Strategies for DLANC document provides an overview of draft Downtown Community Plan policy direction and strategies for the neighborhoods represented by the DLANC.
The Draft Concepts Map provides an overview of draft Downtown Community Plan goals and strategies for the Little Tokyo community.
The Draft Concepts Map provides an overview of draft Downtown Community Plan goals and strategies for the Chinatown Community. The consolidated notes provide a summary of the comments received from community members about future goals for Chinatown.
Central City Association: Committee Meeting - June 2017
Theconsolidated notes provide a summary of the comments regarding draft Downtown Community Plan objectives, draft policy direction, and strategies.
Neighborhood Vision Workshop: Fashion District - June 2017
The power point presentation provides an overview of the Downtown Community Plan objectives, draft policy direction, and strategies for the Fashion District. The consolidated notes provide a summary of the comments from the group discussions.
Neighborhood Vision Workshop: Skid Row Community - June 2017
The power point presentation provides an overview of the Downtown Community Plan objectives, and draft policy direction and strategies for the Skid Row community. The consolidated notes provide a summary of the comments from the breakout group discussions.
This document was prepared as a part of the Metro-Funded Transit Neighborhood Planning Grant
July 2016
December 9, 2015
September 30, 2015
September 30, 2015
Community Vision Documents
Figueroa Corridor: Connecting Communities
Downtown Strategic Plan Los Angeles
South Park Development Studies, Sites, and Rehab Opportunities
South Park Development Strategies & Design Guidelines
Upcoming Events
Planning Staff Contact Info
Contact the Downtown Community Planning Team for general questions regarding the Plan update, or individual team members with specific questions.
General Inquiries | |
Craig Weber Principal City Planner & Division Head (213) 978-1311 | Brittany Arceneaux Senior City Planner & Section Head (213) 978-1911 |
Lydia Chapman City Planner (213)847-3646 | |
Dominik Ortiz City Planning Associate (818) 374-5054 | |
Angelica Gonzalez Planning Assistant (213) 756-1708 |