Planning the Westside

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West Los Angeles

Existing plan adopted in 1997

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West Los Angeles

Existing plan adopted in 1997

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Existing plan adopted in 1997

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Existing plan adopted in 1997

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Existing plan adopted in 2000

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Existing plan adopted in 2000

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westchester-playa del rey

Existing plan adopted in 2004

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westchester-playa del rey

Existing plan adopted in 2004

Westside Community Plans Releases New StoryMap

The Westside Community Plans Update team is excited to announce the release of the 2024 Draft General Plan Land Use Storymap!

The StoryMap showcases the draft General Plan Land Uses that address issues such as housing, transportation, climate change, and equity across the westside region. Thank you for all the input received from community members and groups who have engaged in the process so far. We look forward to continued feedback and engagement from all stakeholders to continue informing future drafts of the Community Plans, and we will be taking feedback throughout the entire Community Plan Update process.

The StoryMap published today features updated draft General Plan Land Use Designations for the Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey, West Los Angeles, Westchester- Playa del Rey, and Venice Community Plan Areas including the coastal zone, based on feedback received after the publication of the Westside Community Planning Advisory Group (WCPAG) meeting materials throughout 2023. The interactive map highlights the land use and zoning regulations, such as Height Limits, Floor Area Ratio (FAR), and Density, that are permitted at a parcel level. The StoryMap reflects a wide range of stakeholder input received through outreach meetings held virtually and in person, as well as through received written comments.

View the StoryMap here: StoryMap

In addition to the StoryMap, Draft General Plan Land Use maps are available to view for each of the four Community Plan Areas, as well as a Summary of Refinements made to the Subareas from the 2023 Drafts, and a high level summary of each Community Plan.

West Los Angeles


Palms - Mar Vista - Del Rey

Westchester - Playa del Rey

Westside Community Planning Advisory Group

Los Angeles City Planning (LACP) is pleased to announce the formation of the 2022 Westside Community Plans Advisory Group (WCPAG).

The 52-member Advisory Group is composed of a diverse group of community leaders, residents, community based organizations (CBO), advocacy groups, business leaders, Neighborhood Councils, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), youth, housing development experts, and professionals from various planning-related fields.

The Advisory Group, which is not a decision making body, will assist the LACP Westside Community Plans Update team in evaluating initial draft community plan materials, such as new land use maps, zoning, and draft policies. These efforts will help address a wide variety of topics, including housing, tenant rights, homelessness, climate change, mobility, historic preservation and cultural resources, sustainability, and other critically important issues facing the Westside Communities.

Please see meeting materials here: Meeting Materials

Venice Survey

The Venice Community Plan Update Team, in coordination with the City of Los Angeles’ Office of Historic Resources, and Rincon consultants are conducting a resurvey of historic resources in the Venice Plan area.

We invite you and your neighbors to help us identify resources in your community with historic or cultural significance. If interested, please fill out the survey below.

My Historic Venice   Mi Histórico Venice 

For inquiries please contact: Eva Chang-Person Click here for more information on the Office of Historic Resource. Click here for more information on the Office of Racial Justice, Equity and Transformative Planning.

Draft Concepts Community Feedback Summaries

Draft Concepts for Westside Plans Webinars

The Westside Planning Team presented draft land use concepts online for each of the four Community Plan areas: West Los Angeles, Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey, Venice, and Westchester-Playa del Rey. Webinars took place July 14, July 16, and July 21 (Spanish). Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback on the Draft Concepts.

Review Draft Concept Webinar Materials Here

Join Us in Advancing Equitable Westside Community Plans / Acompáñenos en avanzar los planes comunitarios



Community Plans shape the environment by determining how neighborhoods use land. Los Angeles City Planning updates its Community Plans periodically to ensure that each community’s land can accommodate future generations in a way that aligns with environmental, land use, and development goals for the region. An updated Community Plan lays a solid foundation for the future of a neighborhood.


Q: What are Community Plans? Why update them?

A: The City has 35 Community Plans. Taken together, they make up the Land Use Element of the City’s General Plan.

Community Plans establish goals and policies to guide future land use and development within each plan area. Plan maps identify where uses such as jobs, housing, and open space will be located. It is important to keep the City’s Community Plans up to date because they:




  • Inform developers and residents of the type of development that will be permitted;
  • Help accommodate anticipated jobs, housing, and population;
  • Guide the approval process of new development that is consistent with the community’s vision.

Click the button below to watch a video about Community Plans.


Q: What are the Westside Community Plans?

A: They are the Community Plans for four areas in the Westside: West Los Angeles, Venice, Palms – Mar Vista – Del Rey, and Westchester – Playa del Rey.

For information about the Venice Local Coastal Program Update, click the button below.

Venice Coastal Program

Q: How can I get involved?

A: There are many ways to get involved. Please participate so your values and vision are reflected in the Community Plan Updates. 


Sign up for Email updates

Community Plan Areas

Community Plan Areas Map-thumb The City is currently updating the Community Plans for four areas on the Westside: West Los Angeles, Venice, Palms – Mar Vista – Del Rey, and Westchester – Playa del Rey. Updates to the Community Plans for the remaining Westside areas (Westwood, Brentwood – Pacific Palisades, and Bel Air – Beverly Crest) will follow.

Choose a plan below to learn more about the area it covers. This page links to the existing Community Plans and land use policy documents for each area.

Look up the Community Plan Area for any street address in Los Angeles here. The area will appear as the first entry in the “Planning/Construction” category.

(Click to enlarge image)


west los angeles


The West Los Angeles Community Plan Area (CPA) is located in the western portion of the City of Los Angeles. It is generally bounded by Centinela Avenue on the west, Wilshire Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard on the north, National Boulevard, Pico Boulevard, and Exposition Boulevard on the south, and Durango Avenue, Robertson Boulevard, and Canfield Avenue on the east.

The West Los Angeles CPA is bounded by the communities of Westwood, Brentwood, Century City, Rancho Park, Palms, Mar Vista, and the city of Santa Monica. 

Community Plan 
West Los Angeles  |  Land Use Map 

Specific Plans 
Century City North 
Century City South 
Sepulveda Corridor 
West Los Angeles Transportation Improvement and Mitigation Plan (update in progress)

Community Design Overlay District 
West Pico Boulevard 
West Wilshire Boulevard 
Westwood-Pico NOD 

Streetscape Plans 
Expo Corridor  (in progress) 
Livable Boulevards 

West Los Angeles Demographic Profile 
Plan Area at a Glance 2018
Demographic Report 2019
Demographic Report 2018

Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey Community Plan


The Palms – Mar Vista – Del Rey Community Plan Area (CPA) contains 5,257 acres, approximately two percent of the land in the City of Los Angeles. The area is located in the western portion of Los Angeles with roughly irregular boundaries. The terrain varies from flat land in the southern section to rolling hillside in the north.

The community is bisected by a narrow strip of the City of Culver City along Washington Boulevard. The northern section proceeding in a clockwise direction is bounded by the City of Santa Monica, Pico Boulevard, southerly along the San Diego Freeway up to National Boulevard, Exposition Boulevard and Southern Pacific Railroad Company line, Robertson Boulevard up to National Boulevard, Venice Boulevard, Washington Boulevard, City of Culver City, and Walgrove Avenue.

Community Plan 
Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey  |  Land Use Map 

Specific Plans 
Coastal Transportation Corridor
Exposition Corridor Transit Neighborhood Plan
Playa Vista Area B/C/D
West Los Angeles Transportation Improvement and Mitigation Plan

Community Design Overlay District 
West Pico Boulevard 

Historic Preservation Overlay Zone
Gregory Ain Mar Vista Tract

Streetscape Plans 
Expo Corridor
Livable Boulevards 

Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey Demographic Profile
Plan Area at a Glance 2018
Demographic Report 2019
Demographic Report 2018

Venice Community Plan - map

85% of the Venice Community Plan Area is located in the Coastal Zone and is subject to California Coastal Act regulations. In order to comply with the Coastal Act, Los Angeles City Planning is undertaking a multi-year effort, with public input, to prepare, adopt, and certify the Venice LCP as the coastal planning tool for the area. The LCP establishes land use, development, natural resource protection, coastal access, and public recreation policies for the Venice Coastal Zone. For more information, please visit the Venice Local Coastal Program website:

Venice Coastal Program

The Venice Community Plan Area (CPA) contains approximately 2.061 acres, representing 0.7 percent of the land in the City of Los Angeles. Located in the western portion of Los Angeles, it contains the world-famous Venice Beach and Boardwalk that stretch from Marina Court on the north to Yawl Street on the south. The Plan Area is bounded to the north by Marine Court and Dewey Street, adjoining the City of Santa Monica. It extends in an irregular fashion from the Pacific Ocean eastward to Walgrove Avenue, Beethoven Street, and Del Rey Avenue, bordering the Palms – Mar Vista – Del Rey Community Plan Area, parts of Culver City and Los Angeles County, and Marina Del Rey.

It is surrounded by the communities of Westwood, Brentwood – Pacific Palisades, Palms – Mar Vista – Del Rey, West Adams – Baldwin Hills – Leimert, and Wilshire; by the Cities of Culver City, Santa Monica, and Beverly Hills; and by the County of Los Angeles.

Venice Community Plan
Venice  |  Land Use Map

Venice Coastal Zone Land Use Plan 
Venice Coastal Zone Land Use Plan

Venice Community Specific Plans
Coastal Transportation Corridor Specific Plan
Oxford Triangle 

Venice Coastal Zone Specific Plan
Venice Coastal Zone Specific Plan

Community Design Overlay District
Lincoln Boulevard

Venice Demographic Profile
Venice Historical Timeline
Plan Area at a Glance 2018
Demographic Report 2019
Demographic Report 2018

Westchester-Playa Del Rey Community Plan  - map


The Westchester – Playa del Rey Community Plan Area (CPA) is situated in the western portion of the Los Angeles Basin, adjacent to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). It is located south of the communities of Palms – Mar Vista – Del Rey and Venice, and is adjacent to the Cities of Culver City, Inglewood, and El Segundo, and the Los Angeles County unincorporated areas of Del Aire, Ladera Heights, Lennox, and Marina del Rey.

​​The Westchester – Playa del Rey CPA is generally bounded by Centinela Avenue, La Brea Avenue, the City of Los Angeles’s boundaries with the unincorporated County of Los Angeles, the City of Inglewood, the City of El Segundo, Dockweiler State Beach, Ballona Creek, Bay Street, and Jefferson Boulevard.

Community Plan
Westchester-Playa Del Rey |  Land Use Map 

Specific Plans
Coastal Bluffs
Coastal Transportation Corridor
Loyola Marymount University
Playa Vista Area B/C/D

Community Design Overlay District
Downtown Westchester
Loyola Village

Streetscape Plans
Century Boulevard
Livable Boulevards

Westchester-Playa Del Rey Demographic Profile
Plan Area at a Glance2018
Demographic Report 2019
Demographic Report 2018

What is a Community Plan?

Each city within the state of California is required to adopt a General Plan comprising seven required elements, including a Land Use Element. In Los Angeles, the Land Use Element is divided into 35 Community Plans, each with a policy document and a map of land use designations (such as residential, commercial, industrial, and open space). The Community Plans function as blueprints to guide growth in neighborhoods, providing specific policies and strategies to achieve each community’s vision and the broader objectives of the General Plan.
Community Plans are important because they:

  • Inform​ developers and residents where development will be permitted and what type of development will be permitted;
  • Help accommodate anticipated jobs and housing; and
  • Guide the review process of new development to ensure that it is consistent with the community’s vision.
Why are the plans being updated now?

Mayor Garcetti and the City Council have committed to updating all 35 of the City’s Community Plans by 2024 to provide more contemporary land use plans and policies for all Angelenos. As part of the Department’s strategy and process for updating all of the Community Plans within this time frame, it is updating the Westside Community Plans between 2018 and 2021.

What is the process for updating the Westside Community Plans?

During the update, the Department of City Planning will:

  • Inform and engage with the community for input and feedback on community vision and guiding policies;
  • Conduct land use research and demographic analysis;
  • Update the Plan goals, policies, land use designations, and zoning;
  • Prepare an Environmental Impact Report; and
  • Present proposed Plans to the City Planning Commission for recommendation and City Council for approval.
How far into the future do we plan?

The horizon for the Community Plans is 20 to 25 years into the future.

What is the end product?
This Community Plan update process results in four separate final products:

  1. The Community Plan text, which contains the goals, policies, and programs for future land-use decision making.
  2. The Community Plan land use map, which designates the land use for each property in the Community Plan Area.
  3. Implementing tools, such as new zoning designations.
  4. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which discloses and analyzes the environmental impacts of the Plan.
What is re:codeLA and how will it affect the Community Plan update process?

re:codeLA is the Department’s program to comprehensively revise the City of Los Angeles’s Zoning Code. The revision is meant to simplify use and development regulations while making the development process more efficient and predictable.

Will new Specific Plans or Overlays be included as part of the Community Plan updates? What will happen with existing Specific Plans and overlays?

The Department is moving away from creating new Specific Plans or overlays within Community Plan areas. Instead, the preferred approach is to incorporate unique neighborhood characteristics or development standards into the new zoning which will have expanded regulatory controls. Existing Specific Plans will continue to be enforced and will be evaluated at a later time for updates or incorporation into the new zoning.

How will the new Community Plans interact with the Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Program?

Created as a result of Measure JJJ, approved by voters in 2016, the TOC Program establishes a set of incentives, such as density and floor area increases, for qualifying residential and mixed-use projects located near major transit stops. To qualify for incentives, TOC projects are required to include a set percentage of affordable housing. While the TOC regulations have been implemented citywide, there is flexibility for tailoring as we update Community Plans. These regulations will be captured as part of the new zoning through re:code and will include both general development regulations and site-specific regulations.

How can members of the community get involved?

The Los Angeles City Planning Department will continue to engage with communities and community stakeholders through meetings, public events, and online webinars. The Department also regularly emails notifications and announcements to its mailing list. Additionally, Neighborhood Councils are having discussions about the Community Plans, and all stakeholders are encouraged to participate in those conversations.

How can I get answers to my questions, express concerns that I have, or make suggestions about my community?

Reach out to the team by emailing us at

Where can I get more information?
Explore the Department’s website to find current Community Plans, public outreach events, documents, and other general updates.
Find us on Facebook at
Find us on Twitter at
Find us on Instagram at
Find us on Youtube at

Download FAQ PDF

Public Outreach Plan

Help plan the Westside! The Community Plan update process includes numerous opportunities to participate. The timeline below provides a tentative schedule of major public outreach events. Please join our email list and check the News tab for the latest announcements.

(Click to enlarge image)

outreach process_jan2023

Click here to download timeline

Current and Recent Events

Event Date
July 16, 2024

Planning Staff held a Virtual Information Session and Q&A for the Westchester - Playa del Rey Community Plan Update, with a focus on the Ladera Center and the surrounding areas on July 16th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Staff provided an overview of the Westchester-Playa Del Rey Community Plan Update process, as well as an in-depth look into draft concepts in Ladera Heights and surrounding area, including the Ladera Center, and future opportunities for stakeholder engagement

Past Events

LA City Planning Pop-Up Outreach Event - Pick Pico Street Fair

The Westside Community Plans Team is excited to announce that we will be joining the Westside Neighborhood Council’s Annual Pick Pico Street Fair on Sunday May 19, 2024 at 10701 W. Pico Blvd, LA CA 90064!

LA City Planning will be hosting a booth from 11am-3pm.

Please come by City Planning’s booth to meet staff and learn more about Planning the Westside efforts. We look forward to seeing you there!

LA City Planning Pop-Up Outreach Event - CicLAvia Venice Blvd.

The Westside Community Plans and Venice Local Coastal Program (LCP) Teams are excited to announce that we will be joining all the CicLAvia enthusiasts on Sunday April 21, 2024 on Venice Boulevard!

LA City Planning will be hosting a booth from 9am-4pm at the Venice Beach Hub, located at 121 Windward Ave., Venice CA 90291.

Please come by City Planning’s booth to meet staff and learn more about Planning the Westside and Local Coastal Program update efforts. Look forward to seeing you there!

Westside Community Planning Advisory Group Application

Planning staff is seeking assistance from a diverse group of community leaders to help advise the Westside Community Plans Update. We are forming an advisory group: The Westside Community Plans Advisory Group (WCPAG) and we invite those with specialized knowledge and a desire to help further shape the zoning and policy outcomes for the Westside Community Plans Update to submit an application.

Venice Coastal Zone Survey LA effort

Our previous email blast contained an RSVP link that did not work. We have resolved the issue and apologize for any inconvenience.

Hello! We hope that you are staying safe and healthy.

A resurvey of historic resources in the Venice Coastal Zone Area is being conducted as part of the Venice Community Plan Update effort. The Los Angeles City Planning’s (City) survey team is seeking your input.

Conclusion of Community Plans Workshops

During the months of June and July, the Westside Planning Team conducted a Community Plan Workshop in each plan area : West Los Angeles, Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey, Westchester-Playa del Rey, and Venice. These workshops brought residents and planners together to review selections of land use ideas based upon input received from community stakeholders over the past year. During these workshops, we had the opportunity to confirm whether we accurately captured community concerns and land use considerations. We also received additional feedback. Thank you to everyone who attended! 

Palms Community Day

This Saturday, May 18, the Palms Neighborhood Council is hosting their 3rd annual Palms Community Day. The Westside team will be present to share more about the Westside Community Plans Update. Be sure to stop by and say hello!

What: 3rd Annual Palms Community Day 
When: Saturday, May 18, 2019, 11 am - 3 pm
Where: Palms Expo Line Station 
Why: Food trucks, live performances and more! 


Planning 101: Planning for the Environment

The Department of City Planning is presenting a series of Planning 101 training sessions during the month of May! The next meeting, taking place on Monday, May 20, 2019 will be in West Los Angeles at the Henry Medina Parking Enforcement Center.

Neighborhood Council Walking Tours

In February 2019, the Westside Community Plans team participated in a series of Neighborhood Council Walking tours.

These walking tours, planned and conducted by the Neighborhood Council representatives, provided on-the-ground perspectives of issues and opportunities in the four community plan areas. 

Pick Pico Street Fair
Join the Westside Team at the Pick Pico Street Fair this Sunday!

What: Pick Pico Street Fair
Where: West Pico Boulevard and Overland Avenue
When: Sunday, May 19th, 11 am-3 pm 
Why: An opportunity to eat great local food, buy local products and learn about your local government and non-profit organizations

Mar Vista Gardens Visioning Workshop

On April 6th, 2019 the Westside Community Plans Update team will be hosting a visioning workshop at the Mar Vista Gardens Community Center. All residents are invited to attend to learn more about the Westside Community Plans Update and share your vision for your community. We hope you can join us! 

When: April 6th, 2019, 10AM-12PM
Where: Mar Vista Gardens Community Center, 4909 Marionwood Drive
What: Visioning Workshop

Please see flyer for details. 


Venice Local Coastal Program Office Hours
The Venice Local Coastal Program team will be hosting Pop Up Office Hours on Thursday, April 18, 2019 to discuss all things related to the Venice Local Coastal Program. City planners from the Venice Community Plan Update team will also be present to answer questions related to the community plan update process. 

Rock & Roll Run

Come and hang out with the Westside Plans Update team at the second annual Rock Roll & Run this Saturday!

When: Saturday, March 9, 2019, 7:30am-12pm
Where: Loyola Marymount University campus, Westchester
What: Second Annual Rock Roll & Run for Education 5K



Grab your bike and helmet and join the Westside Plans Update team at CicLAvia this Sunday!

When: Sunday, March 3, 2019, 9am-4pm
Where: Palms Hub: 3311 Motor Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034 (our booth will be on the west side of Motor Ave)
What: Culver City meets Mar Vista + Palms CicLAvia

We hope to see you there! 


Mar Vista Art Walk

Join the Westside Community Plans Update team at the Mar Vista Art Walk! This is an opportunity to hear more about the community plan update process while also checking out local artists in the area. We hope to see you there!

When: Thursday, March 7th, 2019, 6:00-10:00 pm
Where: Venice Boulevard from Beethoven to Inglewood
What: Mar Vista Art Walk

Get more information at:


Local Coastal Program Office Hours

The Venice Local Coastal Program planning team will be hosting a "Pop Up" Office Hours in Venice.This is an opportunity for the community to engage with the Venice LCP team and project planners for the Venice area. Members of the Westside Community Plan Update team will also be present to answer questions about the Community Plan Update process. Your participation is important and we look forward to seeing you there!

When: Thursday, February 21, 2019, 4:00pm-8:00pm

Initial Outreach Activities

The Westside Planning Team has reached a major milestone by successfully completing our initial phase of outreach activities for the Westside Community Plans Update Program!

The Kick-off events provided an excellent first opportunity for the community to identify issues and opportunities, as well as share their vision for their community. Over the next few months, staff will be reviewing and synthesizing these comments and use them to inform us while preparing concept ideas and policy statements for each of the four community plans.

Neighborhood Council Presentation Series

Since officially launching the Westside Community Plans Update, the Westside Planning Team initiated a series of Neighborhood Council presentations! We have completed the process of meeting with the nine Neighborhood Councils located within the four Community Plan Areas, as well as the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils, to share information and answer questions about the community plan update process.

The Westside Planning Team has presented at the following Neighborhood Council meetings:


Westside Community Plans Launched!

Westside Community Plans Update- Planning the Westside
Thank You for visiting our website!

The Department of City Planning has officially launched a three-year effort to update four Community Plans for the Westside region of Los Angeles: Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey, Venice, West Los Angeles, and Westchester-Playa Del Rey.


The Venice Community Plan Update Team, in coordination with the City of Los Angeles’ Office of Historic Resources, and Rincon consultants are conducting a resurvey of historic resources in the Venice Plan area.

We invite you and your neighbors to help us identify resources in your community with historic or cultural significance.

My Historic Venice   Mi Histórico Venice 

For inquiries please contact: Eva Chang-Person


Los Angeles City Planning (LACP) is pleased to announce the formation of the 2022 Westside Community Plans Advisory Group (WCPAG).

The 52-member Advisory Group is composed of a diverse group of community leaders, residents, community based organizations (CBO), advocacy groups, business leaders, Neighborhood Councils, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), youth, housing development experts, and professionals from various planning-related fields.

The Advisory Group, which is not a decision making body, will assist the LACP Westside Community Plans Update team in evaluating initial draft community plan materials, such as new land use maps, zoning, and draft policies. These efforts will help address a wide variety of topics, including housing, tenant rights, homelessness,


A resurvey of historic resources in the Venice Coastal Zone Area is being conducted as part of the Venice Community Plan Update effort. The Los Angeles City Planning’s survey team is seeking your input at a virtual Zoom meeting on November 16, 2020 at 5:30 pm. Please click on the link below for more information and to RSVP.

Webinar Recordings: Draft Concepts for Westside Plans

In July 2020, the Westside Planning Team presented draft land use concepts online for each of the four Community Plan areas: West Los Angeles, Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey, Venice, and Westchester-Playa del Rey. Webinars took place on July 14, July 16, and July 21 (Spanish). A recording of each webinar can be viewed below.

Opening Regional Presentation - Westside Webinar

West LA Presentation - Westside Webinar


Event Time
Event Location

postponed flyer

The Open House Workshops for the Westside Community Plans Update have been indefinitely postponed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Please check back for the rescheduled dates.

The LA City Westside Planning Team will host a series of Open House Workshops, which will include one workshop within each of the four community plan areas. Please note that information shared at each meeting will be specific to that community plan area.

At each workshop, the Westside Planning Team will present


Event Date
November 21, 2019
Event Time
Event Location
Venice - Abbot Kinney Memorial Branch Library
501 S. Venice Blvd., Venice, CA 90291

The Venice Planning teams - comprised of the Venice Local Coastal Program (LCP) and Venice Community Plan Update team (CPU) hosted four Working Sessions in October and one in November. The focus of the Working Sessions were three mixed-use corridors in Venice, including: Lincoln Blvd, Ocean Front Walk and Rose Ave.

Each Working Session included a presentation, a break out session and a feedback/share out activity. Three sessions were hosted on Tuesday, October 22 one session was held on Wednesday, October 23 and the last session was held on Thursday, November 22.


Event Date
October 23, 2019
Event Time
Event Location
Venice - Abbot Kinney Memorial Branch Library
501 S. Venice Blvd., Venice, CA 90291

The Venice Planning teams - comprised of the Venice Local Coastal Program (LCP) and Venice Community Plan Update team (CPU) hosted four Working Sessions in October and one in November. The focus of the Working Sessions were three mixed-use corridors in Venice, including: Lincoln Blvd, Ocean Front Walk and Rose Ave.

Each Working Session included a presentation, a break out session and a feedback/share out activity. Three sessions were hosted on Tuesday, October 22 one session was held on Wednesday, October 23 and the last session was held on Thursday, November 22.


Event Date
October 22, 2019
Event Time
Event Location
Venice - Abbot Kinney Memorial Branch Library
501 S. Venice Blvd., Venice, CA 90291

The Venice Planning teams - comprised of the Venice Local Coastal Program (LCP) and Venice Community Plan Update team (CPU) hosted four Working Sessions in October and one in November. The focus of the Working Sessions were three mixed-use corridors in Venice, including: Lincoln Blvd, Ocean Front Walk and Rose Ave.

Each Working Session included a presentation, a break out session and a feedback/share out activity. Three sessions were hosted on Tuesday, October 22 one session was held on Wednesday, October 23 and the last session was held on Thursday, November 22.


Event Date
November 14, 2019
Event Time
Event Location
MOA Wellness Center
4533 S Centinela Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066

The Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey Community Plan Update team hosted two Pop Up Office Hours events for individuals and groups in the Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey area on November 5 and November 14, 2019.  The focus of the Pop-Up Office Hours was to discuss the desired land use and zoning ideas for the commercial, residential, and industrial areas of the plan area.  Members of the public were invited to make appointments or drop in. 

Event Date
November 05, 2019
Event Time
Event Location
Palms-Rancho Park Branch Library
2920 Overland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90064

The Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey Community Plan Update team hosted two Pop Up Office Hours events for individuals and groups in the Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey area on November 5 and November 14, 2019.  The focus of the Pop-Up Office Hours was to discuss the desired land use and zoning ideas for the commercial, residential, and industrial areas of the plan area.  Members of the public were invited to make appointments or drop in. 

Event Date
July 10, 2019
Event Time
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Event Location
Mark Twain Middle School Cafeteria, 2224 Walgrove Ave.

JOIN US as we share initial selections of land use ideas based upon the community input we have received over the past several months. What's your vision?

DROP IN anytime during the open house workshops. Let us know if we got it right and share more ideas. Newcomers welcome. 

Event Date
June 24, 2019
Event Time
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Event Location
Westchester Senior Center, 8740 Lincoln Blvd.

JOIN US as we share initial selections of land use ideas based upon the community input we have received over the past several months. What's your vision?

DROP IN anytime during the open house workshops. Let us know if we got it right and share more ideas. Newcomers welcome. 

Event Date
June 22, 2019
Event Time
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Event Location
Windward School Gym, 11350 Palms Blvd.

JOIN US as we share initial selections of land use ideas based upon the community input we have received over the past several months. What's your vision?

DROP IN anytime during the open house workshops. Let us know if we got it right and share more ideas. Newcomers welcome. 

Event Date
June 18, 2019
Event Time
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Event Location
Henry Medina Parking Enforcement Facility, 11214 West Exposition Blvd.

JOIN US as we share initial selections of land use ideas based upon the community input we have received over the past several months. What's your vision?

DROP IN anytime during the open house workshops. Let us know if we got it right and share more ideas. Newcomers welcome. 

Event Date
September 20, 2018
Event Time
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Event Location
Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnet, Social Hall, 7400 Manchester Ave.

Help shape the future of your community

The Department of City Planning is updating the Westchester-Playa del Rey Community Plan (which include Playa Vista), your community's blueprint for growth and land use. Come learn more about the Westside Community Plans Update and tell us about the opportunities and constraints you see and your vision for your community.

Please join us, we're here to listen.

Parking will be provide on site. Please enter the parking lot nearest the Social Hall from West 91st Street.

Event Date
September 29, 2018
Event Time
9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Event Location
Iman Cultural Center, 3376 Motor Ave.

Help shape the future of your community

The Department of City Planning is updating the Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey Community Plan, your community's blueprint for growth and land use. Come learn more about the Westside Community Plans Update and tell us about the opportunities and constraints you see and your vision for your community.

Please join us, we're here to listen.

Limited on-site parking will be available. Please enter the parking lot from Motor Avenue or use street parking.

Event Date
October 02, 2018
Event Time
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Event Location
Westminster Avenue Elementary School Auditorium, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd.

Help shape the future of your community

The Department of City Planning is updating the Venice Community Plan, your community's blueprint for growth and land use. Come learn more about the Westside Community Plans Update and tell us about the opportunities and constraints you see and your vision for your community.

Please join us, we're here to listen.

Limited on-site parking will be available. Please enter the parking lot nearest the Auditorium form Westminster Avenue, or use street parking.

Event Date
October 25, 2018
Event Time
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Event Location
Henry Medina Parking Enforcement Facility, 11214 West Exposition Blvd.

Help shape the future of your community

The Department of City Planning is updating the West Los Angeles Community Plan, your community's blueprint for growth and land use. Come learn more about the Westside Community Plans Update and tell us about the opportunities and constraints you see and your vision for your community.

Please join us, we're here to listen.

Parking will be provided on site. Please enter the Facility parking lot from Sepulveda or the Metro parking structure from Exposition. Walk-ins are welcome.

UPDATE: For materials from these events and a video recording of the live webinar.

How does the Community Plan Update affect you and your community? Learn how Community Plans work, what the update process is about, and how to get involved.


UPDATE: For materials from these Neighborhood Council presentations, click here.

Join the Westside planning team at your next Neighborhood Council meeting to learn more about the Community Plan Update process and how you can get involved.

For more information contact


Attend a meeting or event
Check our Events page for meeting and event information.

Take a survey 
Please click here to take the Westside Community Plans Survey.
Download our survey. Send it back to us once completed. 

Like the Westside Community Plans on Social Media
You can follow the Department of City Planning's general social media accounts: FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Youtube .

Sign up for email updates
Receive notifications on the Westside Community Plans update:


Find more information related to the Westside Community Plans at the links below.

City Planning encourages Angelenos to participate in the update process so that the Community Plans reflect residents’ values and vision. Here are three easy ways to get involved.

  • Attend a meeting or event (check our Events page)

  • Sign up for email updates

  • Like us on Facebook

Sign up for Email updates

Contact Us


Phone Numbers

Palms - Mar Vista - Del Rey: Tereza Agesyan | (213) 756-1735
Venice: Eva Chang-Person | (213) 978-0628
West LA: Melissa Lim | (213) 756-1737
Westchester-Playa Del Rey: Charlotte Kings | (213) 978-3094

Physical Address

Los Angeles City Hall
200 N. Spring St, Rm 667
Los Angeles, CA 90012